dschnelldavis / parse-full-name

A function that accepts the full name of a person in any format, parses it, and returns its parts { title, first name, middle name, last name, nickname, suffix, [and any parsing errors] }.
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Build Dependencies Vulnerabilities


parseFullName() is designed to parse large batches of full names in multiple inconsistent formats, as from a database, and continue processing without error, even if given some unparsable garbage entries.


  1. accepts a string containing a person's full name, in any format,
  2. analyzes and attempts to detect the format of that name,
  3. (if possible) parses the name into its component parts, and
  4. (by default) returns an object containing all individual parts of the name:
    • title (string): title(s) (e.g. "Ms." or "Dr.")
    • first (string): first name or initial
    • middle (string): middle name(s) or initial(s)
    • last (string): last name or initial
    • nick (string): nickname(s)
    • suffix (string): suffix(es) (e.g. "Jr.", "II", or "Esq.")
    • error (array of strings): any parsing error messages

Optionally, parseFullName() can also:

If this is not what you're looking for, is overkill for your application, or is in the wrong language, check the "Credits" section at the end of this file for links to several other excellent parsers which may suit your needs better.


Basic Use

var parseFullName = require('parse-full-name').parseFullName;

name = parseFullName('Mr. David Davis');

assert.equal(name.title, 'Mr.');
assert.equal(name.first, 'David');
assert.equal(name.last, 'Davis');


parseFullName(nameToParse, partToReturn, fixCase, stopOnError, useLongLists)

nameToParse (string, required): the name to be parsed

partToReturn (string, optional): the name of a single part to return

fixCase (integer, optional): fix case of output name

stopOnError (integer, optional): makes parsing errors throw JavaScript errors

useLongLists (integer, optional): use long prefix, suffix, and title lists

Advanced Use

var parseFullName = require('parse-full-name').parseFullName;

name = parseFullName('DE LORENZO Y GUTIEREZ, Mr. JÜAN MARTINEZ (MARTIN) Jr.','all',1,0,0);

assert.equal(name.title, 'Mr.');
assert.equal(name.first, 'Jüan');
assert.equal(name.middle, 'Martinez');
assert.equal(name.last, 'de Lorenzo y Gutierez');
assert.equal(name.nick, 'Martin');
assert.equal(name.suffix, 'Jr.');
assert.equal(name.error, []);

Reporting Bugs

If you find a name this function does not parse correctly, or any other bug, please report it here: https://github.com/dschnelldavis/parse-full-name/issues

Credits and precursors

Before creating this function I studied many other name-parsing functions. None quite suited my needs, but many are excellent at what they do, and this function uses ideas from several of them.

My thanks to all the following developers for sharing their work.

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." — Isaac Newton

Josh Fraser's PHP-Name-Parser: https://github.com/joshfraser/PHP-Name-Parser

Josh Fraser's JavaScript-Name-Parser: https://github.com/joshfraser/JavaScript-Name-Parser

Garve Hays' Java NameParser: https://github.com/gkhays/NameParser

Jason Priem's PHP HumanNameParser: https://web.archive.org/web/20150408022642/http://jasonpriem.org/human-name-parse/ and https://github.com/jasonpriem/HumanNameParser.php

Keith Beckman's PHP nameparse: http://alphahelical.com/code/misc/nameparse/

Jed Hartman's PHP normalize_name: http://www.kith.org/journals/jed/2007/02/11/3813.html and http://www.kith.org/logos/things/code/name-parser-php.html

ashaffer88's JavaScript parse-name: https://github.com/weo-edu/parse-name and https://www.npmjs.com/package/parse-name

Derek Gulbranson's Python nameparser: https://github.com/derek73/python-nameparser/

Discussion about how to change all upper or lowercase names to correct case: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11529213/given-upper-case-names-transform-to-proper-case-handling-ohara-mcdonald

Title lists modified from: http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/262876/Titles-or-Salutation-list

Suffix lists modified from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffix_(name) and https://github.com/derek73/python-nameparser/blob/master/nameparser/config/suffixes.py

Prefix lists modified from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_family_name_affixes

Conjunction list copied entirely from: https://github.com/derek73/python-nameparser/blob/master/nameparser/config/conjunctions.py