dscsa / client

Browser single page application for logging written with Aurelia
3 stars 1 forks source link

v2 Client

This project is bootstrapped by aurelia-cli.

For more information, go to https://aurelia.io/docs/cli/webpack

Local Development Quickstart

# Run these locally (not in a container)
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run build:dev
# Alternatively, you can run `npm watch` to allow automatic rebuilds on file changes
docker compose up

The client will now be available at (the port can be customized via the .env file).

NOTE: The first login will be very slow due to the UI loading all drugs into browser local storage. Subsequent logins will be much faster

By default the UI will connect to API running locally on port 8081 (see https://github.com/dscsa/server for more info). To override the server host/port:

Running w/ local server

See documentation in https://github.com/dscsa/server

Production Deployment

TODO: This