Added some extra description to make the value proposition (particularly for non-IndieWebbers) clearer. Those coming to this naturally will also more easily find the IndieWeb Plugin suite. Those coming from the IndieWeb side probably won't need to be "sold."
Added tags to increase findability within plugin repository. Hopefully there isn't too small a limit for this, but "syndication, indieweb, indiewebcamp, POSSE" are so specialized that natural search is unlikely to push as much traffic.
Added some extra description to make the value proposition (particularly for non-IndieWebbers) clearer. Those coming to this naturally will also more easily find the IndieWeb Plugin suite. Those coming from the IndieWeb side probably won't need to be "sold."
Added tags to increase findability within plugin repository. Hopefully there isn't too small a limit for this, but "syndication, indieweb, indiewebcamp, POSSE" are so specialized that natural search is unlikely to push as much traffic.