dshanske / syndication-links

Add and Display Syndication Links in WordPress
GNU General Public License v2.0
28 stars 13 forks source link
indieweb posse rel-syndication social social-icons syndication wordpress wordpress-plugin

Syndication Links

Contributors: dshanske
Tags: syndication, indieweb, indiewebcamp, POSSE, social media, sharing
Tested up to: 6.5
Stable tag: 4.4.20
License: GPLv2 or later

A simple way to link to copies of your cross-posted content in other social networks or websites. Now with posting UI.


It supports adding rel-syndication/u-syndication links to your WordPress posts, pages, and comments, indicating where a syndicated copy is, in the form of a text or icon link. You can do this manually and some plugins support automatically adding their links as well. The plugin contains a generic UI for syndicating to other sites through your site or a Micropub Client.


1. Example of Syndication Links metabox with links filled in

Example of Syndication Links metabox with links filled in

2. Example of output display on website

Example of output display on website


  1. Upload the folder 'syndication-links' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Or install through the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Privacy and Data Storage Information

This plugin stores syndication links, which can be attached to any post, page, or comment. They can be added to custom post types by filter.

For webmention initiated comments, this information will be added by parsing the source of the webmention. It is assumed if you send a webmention, you consent to share this information if it is publicly shared on your page. Our recommendation is that site owners should take down information on request.

For comments initiated on the site, there is built-in way to add these links. For posts, they are typically added by retrieving information stored by other plugins for display. It is assumed that by installing this plugin, as its intent is to display these links, that you wish to display them.


Settings for the Syndication Links plugin can be found in the main WordPress "Settings" tab in the admin dashboard, or if the Indieweb plugin is installed, under the Indieweb tab. The options provided allow for various ways of presenting the syndication links in posts. Syndication Links by default will add links to the content. You can remove this in your plugin if you wish to call the display function directly.

The settings include the following options as follows with either a set of buttons, a check box (with a check indicating that the feature is "on") or an optional text field:

Note: The particular CSS of your theme may change the display and output of the text and some of the icons.

Supported POSSE plugins and implementations

The plugin supports automatically pulling data from plugins that syndicate your content so you don't need to do it manually. For anything not built in, integation is easy with a simple filter for potential use with any other plugin.

Using the optional Syndication feature(disabled by default) you can syndicate your posts to:

Will be looking to integrate with other plugins to add more options and invite developers to add support if they wish as the interface is simple. The goal of the interface is not only can you syndicate via Micropub, but in the editor using a simple checkbox.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prevent the links from being automatically added to the content?

You will have to add the following code to your theme add_filter( 'syndication_links_display', '__return_false' ); and then you can call get_syndication_links() directly in your theme. You should add this to the init hook.

How can I look up the original if I have a syndication link?

If you add ?original-of= and the URL-encoded URL it will return the post that has that URL stored. As no two posts should have the same two syndication links it will by default only return the first.

If you want to do this with a form, there is a function you can add to your theme called get_original_of_form() and a widget that calls this. Like the search form if you have a originalofform.php in your theme folder the function will return it so you can customize the form.

What filters are available to modify output?

How do I contribute or file bug reports?

Development and bug reports on this plugin is on Github at https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links

Upgrade Notice

Version 4.4.0

Several core function and filter signatures have changed and may cause some compatability issues.

Version 4.2.0

You will have to set up your enabled providers as this setting has changed

Version 4.0.4

Support for Indienews is no longer bundled with this plugin due spam issues. Indienews is dedicated for Indieweb related news.

Version 4.0.0

This version includes the ability to syndicate to external sites. This is disabled by default

Version 3.0.5

Upgrade to this version moves the location of stored syndication links to match the changes in the Micropub plugin. Recommend that all users back up prior to upgrade in the event of accidental corruption.

Version 3.0

Version 3.0 removes the two sets of icon fonts in favor of SVG icons. If this is a concern, do not upgrade at this time. Version 3.0 also removes rel-me support from this plugin as this support is being built into the Indieweb plugin. Please install that.

Version 3.2.2

Removes H-Card Widget as does not fit into this plugin. Moving over to the Indieweb plugin although there is a possibility it may not stay there.


In no particular order...

  1. The Indieweb community of users and all users of this plugin
  2. Meitar Moscovitz for fixes and code contributions related to support of the plugin in his various plugins.
  3. Justin Tadlock for the initial Social Icons design.
  4. Jihaisse and Peter Molnar for the SNAP, courtesy of WordPress Syndication
  5. Simple-Icons for their icon packs for logos. Simple Icons is licensed under CC0 v1.0 Universal.
  6. Genericons Neue for their generic icon packs. Genericons Neue is licensed under the GPLv2.
  7. Chris Aldrich for many suggestions on improving the display and for screenshots.
  8. PHPCS is used with the WordPress and PHP Compatibility Standards in order to ensure compatibility with supported versions of PHP and enact WordPress Coding Standards.
  9. GitHub Actions is used to actively test against various PHP versions


Version 4.4.20 ( 2024-05-12 )

Version 4.4.19 ( 2024-03-12 )

Version 4.4.18 ( 2024-03-12 )

Version 4.4.17 ( 2024-03-12 )

Version 4.4.16 ( 2024-02-25 )

Version 4.4.15 ( 2023-12-05 )

Version 4.4.14 ( 2023-12-01 )

Version 4.4.13 ( 2023-10-21 )

Version 4.4.12 ( 2023-10-01 )

Version 4.4.11 ( 2023-5-28 )

Version 4.4.10 ( 2023-05-28 )

Version 4.4.9 ( 2023-05-22 )

Version 4.4.8 ( 2023-05-22 )

Version 4.4.7 ( 2023-02-18 )

Version 4.4.6 ( 2023-02-10 )

Version 4.4.5 ( 2023-02-10 )

Version 4.4.4 ( 2023-01-24 )

Version 4.4.3 ( 2023-01-02 )

Version 4.4.2 ( 2022-12-25 )

Version 4.4.1 ( 2022-12-20 )

Version 4.4.0 ( 2022-12-19 )

Version 4.3.11 ( 2022-05-14 )

Version 4.3.10 ( 2022-02-13 )

Version 4.3.9 ( 2022-01-11 )

Version 4.3.8 ( 2022-01-08 )

Version 4.3.7 ( 2021-11-02 )

Version 4.3.6 ( 2021-07-24 )

Version 4.3.4 ( 2021-06-12 )

Version 4.3.3 ( 2021-02-28 )

Version 4.3.2 ( 2021-02-28 )

Version 4.3.1 ( 2020-12-12 )

Version 4.3.0 ( 2020-10-13 )

Version 4.2.6 ( 2020-08-15 )

Version 4.2.5 ( 2020-08-03 )

Version 4.2.4 ( 2020-08-01 )

Version 4.2.3 ( 2020-06-28 )

Version 4.2.2 ( 2020-03-26 )

Version 4.2.1 ( 2019-12-21 )

Version 4.2.0 ( 2019-12-15 )

Version 4.1.4 ( 2019-11-18 )

Version 4.1.3 ( 2019-07-01 )

Version 4.1.2 ( 2019-05-12 )

Version 4.1.1 ( 2019-04-13 )

Version 4.1.0 ( 2019-02-09 )

Version 4.0.5 ( 2019-01-05 )

Version 4.0.4 ( 2018-12-29 )

Version 4.0.3 ( 2018-12-08 )

Version 4.0.2 ( 2018-11-05 )

Version 4.0.1 ( 2018-11-03 )

Version 4.0.0 ( 2018-11-01 )

Version 3.4.1 ( 2018-05-06 )

Version 3.4.0 ( 2018-03-03 )

Version 3.3.2 ( 2018-02-03 )

Version 3.3.1 ( 2018-01-04 )

Version 3.3.0 ( 2017-12-?? )

Version 3.2.4 ( 2017-11-23 )

Version 3.2.3

Version 3.2.2

Version 3.2.1

Version 3.2.0

Version 3.1.1

Version 3.1.0

Version 3.0.5

Version 3.0.4

Version 3.0.2

* Adjust close bracket

Version 3.0.1

* Fix text display issue

Version 3.0.0

* Remove icon fonts in favor of SVG
* Remove rel-me support to move to implementation in Indieweb plugin
* Remove h-card support to move to implementation in Indieweb plugin (it wasn't very good anyway)
* Introduce new get_syndication_data function to abstract out storage

Version 2.1.0

* Removed user meta code

Version 2.0.3

* Minor Tweaks and Cleanup

Version 2.0.2

* CSS fixes
* Version number added to CSS import to avoid caching on update

Version 2.0.1

* Misc. Bug Fixes
* Bridgy Publish Support removed - new Bridgy plugin will handle that

Version 2.0.0

* Rewritten to remove global scoping
* Option to add URLs to the head of the home page for rel-me auth
* Option to add URLs as a widget for rel-me auth

Version 1.0.3

* Security Fix. Nothing new

Version 1.0.2

* Refinements
* Add support for pages and a filter to add additional content types

Version 1.0.0

* Refinements
* Addition of h-card widget.
* Improvements to hooks
* Addition of automatic information from SNAP and Social(courtesy WordPress Syndication).
* Now supports second font choice and choice of color or black.

Version 0.6.0

* Add hooks and functions to allow additional urls to  be added

Version 0.5.0

* Clean up the plugin for initial release to WordPress repository.

Version 0.5

* Moved to simplified data structure.
* Hidden migration function

Version 0.4

* Rewriting using Grunt/SASS for more flexibility

Version 0.3

* Customizable Networks finished.
* Changed social icons CSS to automatically add only if the class for the list has social-icon in it.

Version 0.2

* Settings Screen rewritten using WordPress Settings API.
* Going to rewrite with customizable networks and thus option to disable sites you do not syndicate to.
* Added social icons CSS to automatically add icons to anything in a <LI>

Version 0.1

* Forked from the Semantic Comments plugin. Start of configurable options.