dsibournemouth / autoweka

Auto-WEKA is a tool for automating the selection of methods and hyperparameters of WEKA.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Auto-WEKA for MCPS

Auto-WEKA is a tool for automating the selection of methods and hyperparameters of WEKA. This repository contains an extended version of Auto-WEKA now supporting the optimisation of MultiComponent Predictive Systems (MCPS).

GUI Main


Many different machine learning algorithms exist that can easily be used off the shelf, many of these methods are implemented in the open source WEKA package. However, each of these algorithms have their own hyperparameters that can drastically change their performance, and there are a staggeringly large number of possible alternatives overall. Auto-WEKA considers the problem of simultaneously composing an MCPS and setting its hyperparameters, going beyond previous methods that address these issues in isolation. Auto-WEKA does this using a fully automated approach, leveraging recent innovations in Bayesian optimization. Our hope is that Auto-WEKA will help non-expert users to more effectively identify machine learning algorithms and hyperparameter settings appropriate to their applications, and hence to achieve improved performance.

Auto-WEKA as a blackbox

Auto-WEKA includes a wizard to find the best MCPS of a given dataset without any user interaction, apart from providing a dataset and a time budget. GUI Wizard

Auto-WEKA as an advanced toolbox

Auto-WEKA allows to select between a list of all WEKA methods and different optimisation strategies and parameters. GUI Builder


Clone the repository and run java -jar autoweka.jar. Then, follow userguide.pdf (please, note that PDF is from an older version. User guide for this new version will be updated soon).


Authors of this Auto-WEKA extension

Original authors of Auto-WEKA


This version was developed using as base Auto-WEKA 0.5 from http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/beta/Projects/autoweka/


This software is intended for research purposes and not recommended for production environments. Support is not guaranteed, but please contact us if you have any question or would like to collaborate.


GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)