Submit proposals for topics that you would like to learn about or that you would
like to present about
Who should speak at dsmJS?
- First-time speakers: meetups are a great way to get starting speaking
- Seasoned speakers: have a talk that you are preparing for a larger event? We'd
love to hear it and give you a chance to practice before that event.
- Anyone: we're always looking for people from the local JS community to share
their knowledge with us, so don't hesitate to tell us what you've been up to.
Note: If you'd like to give a talk, but don't have a topic in mind, browse the
topic requests
from other members.
The process
This isn't intended to be overly formal, but you should expect something along the
lines of the following to occur:
Propose a topic: If you'd like to propose a topic for an upcoming meeting,
please start the conversation with us by submitting an issue.
Topics can be either something you'd like to share your knowledge about or
something you'd like to learn about from someone else.
- The leads will respond: We'll ask some follow up questions to
understand how ready you are to give the talk and where it might fit in our
monthly schedule.
- Publish details on the site: Once a date is chosen, you can either submit
the details about the talk in the thread, or you can submit the details as a
PR to the site repo.