dsp-uga / team-Squadron-final

Final project, Customer Transaction Prediction for Santander Bank (Kaggle competition)
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link

Team-Squadron-Final License: MIT

Team Members

Denish Khetan\ Mohammadreza Iman

See the CONTRIBUTORS.md file for details.

Getting Started

Follow the below steps for installation and to run the training and testing sets.


Problem Statement

Based on the given customer transaction data by Santander Bank, identify which customers will make a specific transaction in the future, irrespective of the amount of money transacted.



Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment.

Download and install Anaconda from (https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section).


Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. You can install keras using pip on command line sudo pip install keras.


You can install Tensorflow using pip on command line, for CPU sudo pip install tensorflow and for GPU sudo pip install tensorflow-gpu


Anonymized dataset containing numeric feature variables, the binary target column (classification), and a string ID_code column. There is no deatils about the feature, just tabular data. No correlation between data, the highest correlation is 0.08. There are about 200 features. Very unbalanced training set with less than 15% having 1.\ Training dataset: 200,000 samples consist of 201 features and the target\ Test dataset: 200,000 instances consist of same 201 features of the training set


Model Accuracy on Training dataset Accuracy on Testing dataset
Regression 0.1799866 NA
Ridge regression 0.1799114 NA
LASSO regression 0.1799598 NA
Decision Tree 0.8396 0.5662
Random Forest 0.7241 0.8050
Support Vector Machine (Kernel:Sigmoid) 0.9005 0.5003
Support Vector Machine (Kernel:Poly) 0.9000 0.5000
Support Vector Machine (Kernel:Gaussian) 0.9101 0.5539
Sum-Product Network 0.6768 0.6753
Neural Network 0.7224 0.7253

Ethical Implications

These models should only be used for study purpose, not to harm or take advantage of anything in any manner.

