dsprenkels / kn-next

Edge for a student's club homepage
0 stars 2 forks source link


This repository is not used anymore. The code has been merged into kninfra.

Clone the repository into a PHP-enabled webserver. You'll have to load the agenda with a CRON-script, or for testing by hand:

python utils/fetch_agenda.py >/tmp/kn-next_agenda.json

Also, kn-next needs rewrite-rules, so that /over will be redirected to /index.php?action=over.

In Lighttpd, you can use these rules to accomplish this:

url.rewrite += (
    # Do not redirect these urls
    "^/$" => "/kn-next/index.php?action=index",
    "^/(css|js|img|aktas)(?:/(.*))?$" => "/kn-next/$0",
    # Redirect the rest to the action
    "^/admin$" => "/kn-next/admin.php",
    "^/(.*)$" => "/kn-next/index.php?action=$1"