dsrvlabs / vatz-plugin-sei

GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 1 forks source link


Vatz plugin for sei node monitoring


Installation and Usage

Please make sure Vatz is running with proper configuration. Vatz Installation Guide

Install Plugins

Usage: plugin install [flags]

Examples: vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/ name

Flags: -h, --help help for install

> please make sure install path for the plugins repository URL.

$ ./vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_block_sync node_block_sync $ ./vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_is_alived node_is_alived $ ./vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_peer_count node_peer_count $ ./vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_active_status node_active_status $ ./vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_governance_alarm node_governance_alarm $ ./vatz plugin install github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/pfd_status pfd_status

- Check plugins list with Vatz CLI command

$ vatz plugin list +-----------------------+------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | NAME | IS ENABLED | INSTALL DATE | REPOSITORY | VERSION | +-----------------------+------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+ | node_block_sync | true | 2023-09-27 01:14:53 | github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_block_sync | latest | | node_is_alived | true | 2023-09-27 01:15:41 | github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_is_alived | latest | | node_peer_count | true | 2023-09-27 01:15:46 | github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_peer_count | latest | | node_active_status | true | 2023-09-27 01:15:51 | github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_active_status | latest | | node_governance_alarm | true | 2023-09-27 01:15:59 | github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/node_governance_alarm | latest | | pfd_status | true | 2023-09-27 01:16:16 | github.com/dsrvlabs/vatz-plugin-sei/plugins/pfd_status | latest | +-----------------------+------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+

### Run
> Run as default config or option flags

$ node_block_sync 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Register module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start 10001 module=sdk 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF previous block height: 0, latest block height: 5969512 module=plugin 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z DBG block height increasing module=plugin

$ node_is_alived 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Register module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start 10002 module=sdk 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF HEALTHY process=up 2023-05-31T07:08:40Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:40Z INF HEALTHY process=up

$ node_peer_count 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Register module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start 10003 module=sdk 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Good: peer_count is 50 moudle=plugin 2023-05-31T07:08:40Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:40Z INF Good: peer_count is 50 moudle=plugin

$ node_active_status -valoperAddr 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Register module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start 10004 module=sdk 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z DBG Validator bonded. included active set module=plugin 2023-05-31T07:08:40Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:40Z DBG Validator bonded. included active set module=plugin

Your node have to enable API configuration ({HOME_DIR}/config/app.toml)

$ node_governance_alarm -apiPort <API server port{default is 1317}> -voterAddr 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Register module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start 10005 module=sdk 2023-05-31T07:07:36Z INF Start module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z DBG DEBUG : tmp == proposalId module=plugin 2023-05-31T07:08:10Z INF Lastest proposal is #51 module=plugin

$ pfd_status -port -valoperAddr -seiHome 2023-09-26T02:04:52Z INF Register module=grpc 2023-09-26T02:04:52Z INF Start 10006 module=sdk 2023-09-26T02:04:52Z INF Start module=grpc 2023-09-26T02:05:22Z INF Execute module=grpc 2023-09-26T02:05:22Z DBG Price-Feeder oracle missing rate: 0.90% module=plugin

## Command line arguments
- node_block_sync

Usage of node_block_sync: -addr string Listening address (default "") -critical int block height stucked count to raise critical level of alert (default 3) -port int Listening port (default 10001) -rpcURI string Tendermint RPC URI Address (default "http://localhost:26657")

- node_is_alived

Usage of node_is_alived: -addr string IP Address(e.g., (default "") -port int Port number (default 10002) -rpcAddr string RPC addrest:port (e.g. (default "http://localhost:26657")

- node_peer_count

Usage of node_peer_count: -addr string IP Address(e.g., (default "") -minPeer int minimum peer count, default 5 (default 5) -port int Port number (default 10003) -rpcAddr string RPC Address, default http://localhost:26657 (default "https://localhost:26657")

- node_active_status

Usage of node_active_status: -addr string Listening address (default "") -port int Listening port (default 10004) -rpcURI string CosmosHub RPC URI Address (default "http://localhost:1317") -valoperAddr string CosmosHub validator operator address

- node_governance_alarm

Usage of node_governance_alarm: -addr string IP Address(e.g., (default "") -apiPort uint Need to know proposal id (default 1317) -port int Port number (default 10005) -proposalId uint Need to know last proposal id -voterAddr string Need to voter address (default "address")

- pfd_status

Usage of pfd_status: -addr string IP Address(e.g., (default "") -port int Port number (default 10006) -seiHome HOME PATH -valoperAddr string Need to valoperAddress address (default "address")

## TroubleShooting
1. Encountered issue related with `Device or Resource Busy` or `Too many open files` error.
 - Check your open file limit and recommended to increase it.

$ ulimit -n 1000000

## License

`vatz-plugin-sei` is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html), also included in our repository in the `LICENSE` file.