This is a Next.js demo project based on the App Router Demo from Contenful.
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Create a space and a content model named knowledgeArticle in Contenful. Add the following fields to the content model:
Next, populate the content model with sample data and set up Contentful’s Content Delivery API.
CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID=<Replace with your Contentful Space ID>
CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<Replace with your Contentful Access Token>
CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_ACCESS_TOKEN=<Replace with your Contentful Preview Access Token>
CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_SECRET=<Replace with your Contentful Preview Secret>
CONTENTFUL_REVALIDATE_SECRET=<Replace with a secret of your choice>
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform.
Don't forget to all set Environment Variables in Vercel.
Log into your Contentful space and go to Settings > Webhooks and click the Add Webhook button. From here you can set the following settings to call the revalidate API for on-demand revalidation. For example:
Next, navigate to Settings > Content Preview and click the Create preview platform button. Provide Name and Description and then select Knowledge Article from the Select content types dropdown. Under Knowledge Article, point Contentful to our draft API endpoint containing the secret and slug to enable Draft Mode. For example: