dszczyt / django-nested-forms

Nested forms for your django projects
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Django Nested Forms ###################


I use Django for all my web projects.

I like to simplify my applications'forms by nesting them, for example when users can add many photos on a product.

This class will help you to easily create nested forms in your project. I created this for a big project, with many nested forms, and many users love it every days.


Django 1.2+ (should be compatible with 1.1, but not tested)


First of all, insert the nested_forms folder in in project's path.

In your forms.py


from nested_forms import ComplexModelForm

Make you main form inherit from ComplexModelForm

In Meta subclass of your ComplexModelForm, add :


formsets = { }

This dict has for keys the related objects' names.

For the examples form Django's tutorial, we could write :


def get_choice_form(poll): class ChoiceForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Choice exclude = ['poll']

      def save(self, commit=True):
          instance = super(ChoiceForm, self).save(commit=False)
          instance.poll = poll
          if commit:
          return instance

  return ChoiceForm

class PollForm(ComplexModelForm): class Meta: model = Poll formsets = { 'choice_set': { 'form': lambda instance: get_choice_form(instance), 'extra': 1, 'initial': [ { 'choice': 'A sample choice', 'votes': 0, } ], }, }

You now have a nested form. Let's start using it in your template.

In your templates

Considering your nested form instance in a form variable in your context, you can access your access your form fields like any other forms. Your formsets are accessible by {{ form.formsets.[ name of related name of your object] }}. Don't forget to add the management form for each, and each formset is like any formset you would create manually. DON'T FORGET TO IMPLEMENT THE "ADD" TEMPLATE FILTER !


Poll {{ form.as_div }} {% with form.formsets.choice_set as choice_formset %} {{ choice_formset.management_form }} {% for choice_form in choice_formset.forms %}
Choice {{ forloop.counter }} {{ choice_form.as_div }}
{% endfor %} {% endwith %}