dtannyc1 / RelentlessClash

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Demo Combat

Relentless Clash is a fighting game written in vanilla JavaScript in which 2 players engage in rapid sword combat until one player wins by two rounds. Players can control their characters using a keyboard or a controller. The major functionality of the game was written in a week, with minor art assets added afterwards.

Technologies, Libraries, and APIs

Key Features

In Relentless Clash, users can:

Code Snippets

There are many methods that come together to allow the users to play and interact with the in-game world. Here are some of the highlights for the major functions of the game.

Collision Detection

Hit and Hurt Boxes

For every frame of animation, each character has multiple hurt boxes (shown in the gif in green) and, optionally, multiple hit boxes (shown in the gif in red) if they are attacking. Collision between characters is calculated by checking if two characters' hit and hurt boxes overlap in any way. The function Game#overlappingBoxes is generalized to work with any type of box to determine if the two boxes are overlapping.

overlappingBoxes(box1, box2) {
  let x1m, y1m, x1M, y1M;
  let x2m, y2m, x2M, y2M;
  [x1m, y1m, x1M, y1M] = [box1[0], box1[1],
                          box1[0] + box1[2], box1[1] + box1[3]];
  [x2m, y2m, x2M, y2M] = [box2[0], box2[1],
                          box2[0] + box2[2], box2[1] + box2[3]];

  if (x2m >= x1M || x1m >= x2M) {
    return false;
  } else if (y2m >= y1M || y1m >= y2M) {
    return false;
  } else {
    return true;

Using this basic collision detection, the game can cause damage and knockback when a hit box overlaps an opponent's hurt box, push characters when a character's hurt box collides with an opponent's hurt box, and cause knockback when two hit boxes collide.

Damage Calculation

Basic Attack

The amount of damage dealt to a character when they are hit with an attack is dependent on:

This code snippet demonstrates iteration through characters stored in an objects array to calculate hits, then deal damage and cause knockback which scales with the damage taken by the character.

  // determine who is hitting which box
  let hits = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < this.objects.length; i++) {
    let hitbox = this.objects[i].getHitBoxes(GameView.MAIN_SCALE);
    if (hitbox) {
      hitbox = hitbox[0];
      for (let j = 0; j < this.objects.length; j++) {
        if (j !== i) {
          let hit = false;
          let hurtboxes = this.objects[j].getHurtBoxes(GameView.MAIN_SCALE);
          for (let k = 0; k < hurtboxes.length; k++) {
            if (this.overlappingBoxes(hitbox, hurtboxes[k])){
              hits.push([this.objects[i], this.objects[j], k]);
              hit = true;
          if (hit) {

  // actually deal with the hits
  if (hits.length > 0) {
    let roundEnd = false;
    hits.forEach((hit) => {
      let origin = hit[0];
      let target = hit[1];
      let boxNum = hit[2];

      let damage = 0;
      switch (origin.currentAction){
        case ("attack1"):
          damage = 1;
        case ("attack2"):
          damage = 2;
        case ("attack3"):
          damage = 3;

      // deal damage
      target.health -= damage*(3-boxNum)*0.25;
      if (target.health < 0){
        roundEnd = true;
        target.health = 0;

      // cause knockback
      if (origin.pos[0] < target.pos[0]){
        target.pos[0] += Game.KNOCKBACK*(damage);
      } else{
        target.pos[0] -= Game.KNOCKBACK*(damage);

    if (roundEnd) {

Future Plans:

I plan to add more gameplay stages and characters. Once these art assets are implemented, players will be able to choose their fighter from a menu before initiating combat. Additionally, some background music and sword sound effects will be added to enhance the ambiance of the gameplay.

Art Credits:

Asian Night - Pixel Art Wallpaper by RodrixAP

Samurai Characters Pixel Art on craftpix.net

War Pixel Art Background on craftpix.net

Post Apocalyptic Pixel Art Background on craftpix.net

Music from Sci Fi & Adventure Music Pack by Dani Stob

Sword SFX on pixabay