dtedesco1 / autovideos

Fun automated video scripts
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Fun automated video scripts

User inputs a famous person’s name via a web UI. Then

  1. ChatGPT API generates interesting content for them to say
  2. Google Text-to-audio API voices the content
  3. Dall-e API generates relevant images
  4. Python moviepy library joins them to create a video
  5. Video is uploaded via YouTube API

In progress!

These scripts are being developed with the gracious help of ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot We're still figuring this out and the scripts won't likely work at this point.


We need your help! How? Make a script or two better and then issue a pull request. If you want some guidance, check out the ideas in our Issues page.

Abraham Lincoln Example

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Q: "Mr. President, if you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?" A: "If I could have any superpower, I think I would choose the power of empathy. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others would have been invaluable during my time as President, and could have helped to heal the divisions in our country." ChatGPT-generated prompt for a corresponding Dall-e image: "Visualize Abraham Lincoln with a golden aura of empathy, surrounded by a diverse group of people all holding hands in unity."

Q: "What was the most unusual food you ever ate during your time in office?" A: "Well, I have to say, I was never much of a foodie. But I did once try Rocky Mountain oysters, which are a delicacy in the West made from bull testicles. Let's just say I was not a fan." ChatGPT-generated prompt for a corresponding Dall-e image: "Depict Abraham Lincoln making a disgusted face while holding a plate of Rocky Mountain oysters with a western background."