dtrizna / quo.vadis

Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Malware Detection based on Windows Kernel Emulation
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Quo Vadis

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This repository is part of the following publication: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3560830.3563726

Quo Vadis: Hybrid Machine Learning Meta-Model Based on Contextual and Behavioral Malware Representations

:warning: The model is a research prototype, provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, in a pre-alpha state.


Dataset structure used for model pre-training is as follows:

Raw PE samles and in-the-wild filepaths are not disclosed due to Privacy Policy. However, - PE emulation dataset available in [emulation.dataset](data/emulation.dataset/) - Filepath dataset (open sources only, in-the-wild paths used for pre-training are excluded): - augmented [samples](data/path.dataset/dataset_malicious_augumented.txt) and [logic](data/path.dataset/augment/augmentation.ipynb) - [paths](data/path.dataset/dataset_benign_win10.txt) from clean Windows 10 host ## Citation If you are inspired by the work or use data, please cite us: ```bibtex @inproceedings{10.1145/3560830.3563726, author = {Trizna, Dmitrijs}, title = {Quo Vadis: Hybrid Machine Learning Meta-Model Based on Contextual and Behavioral Malware Representations}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450398800}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3560830.3563726}, doi = {10.1145/3560830.3563726}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security}, pages = {127–136}, numpages = {10}, keywords = {reverse engineering, neural networks, malware, emulation, convolutions}, location = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, series = {AISec'22} } ``` ## Architecture Hybrid, modular structure for **malware classification**. Supported modules: - 1D convolution neural network analysis of *API call sequence* obtained from [Speakeasy emulator](https://github.com/mandiant/speakeasy/) - 1D convolution neural network analysis of filepath at the moment of execution (Kyadige and Rudd et al., ) - '*Ember*' Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) model (Anderson and Roth, ) - '*MalConv*' byte-level convolutional neural network (Raff et al., )

## Environment Setup Tested on Python `3.8.x` - `3.9.x`. Because of a large number of dependencies with specific versions (due to pre-trained machine learning models), we suggest using a virtual environment or `conda`: ```bash % python3 -m venv QuoVadisEnv % source QuoVadisEnv/bin/activate (QuoVadisEnv)% python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Usage API interface is available under `models.py`. ### Definition of classifier ```python from models import CompositeClassifier classifier = CompositeClassifier(meta_model = "MultiLayerPerceptron", modules = ["ember", "emulation"], root = "/home/user/quo.vadis/", load_meta_model = True) ``` Available pretrained configurations: ```python meta_model = 'LogisticRegression', modules = ['ember', 'emulation', 'filepaths', 'malconv'] meta_model = 'MultiLayerPerceptron', modules = ['ember', 'emulation'] meta_model = 'MultiLayerPerceptron', modules = ['ember', 'emulation', 'filepaths'] meta_model = 'MultiLayerPerceptron', modules = ['ember', 'emulation', 'filepaths', 'malconv'] meta_model = 'MultiLayerPerceptron', modules = ['emulation'] meta_model = 'MultiLayerPerceptron', modules = ['filepaths'] meta_model = 'XGBClassifier', modules = ['ember', 'emulation'] meta_model = 'XGBClassifier', modules = ['ember', 'emulation', 'filepaths'] meta_model = 'XGBClassifier', modules = ['ember', 'emulation', 'filepaths', 'malconv'] meta_model = 'XGBClassifier', modules = ['emulation'] meta_model = 'XGBClassifier', modules = ['filepaths'] ``` ### Evaluation on PE list ```python pefiles = os.listdir("/path/to/PE/samples") x = classifier.preprocess_pelist(pefiles) probs = classifier.predict_proba(x) ``` You can use `predict_proba_pelist()` instead of `predict_proba()` to get probabilities out of the PE list right away instead of a preprocessed array: ```python probs = classifier.predict_proba_pelist(pefiles) ``` Given that `filepaths` is specified in `modules = `, you have to specify the filepaths of the PE sample at the moment of execution using the `pathlist=` argument: ```python filepaths = pd.read_csv(filepaths.csv, header=None) probs = classifier.predict_proba_pelist(pefiles, pathlist=filepaths.values.tolist()) ``` *Note!* `len(pefiles) == len(filepaths)` ### Re-Training Using the `fit_pelist()` method and providing ground true labels for PE files -- malware (1) or benign (0): ```python labels = load_labels() classifier.fit_pelist(pefiles, labels, pathlist=filepaths.values.tolist()) ``` ### Example An example usage can be found under `example.py`: ```text # python example.py --example --how ember emulation filepaths [*] Loading model... WARNING:root:[!] Loading pretrained weights for ember model from: ./modules/sota/ember/parameters/ember_model.txt WARNING:root:[!] Loading pretrained weights for filepath model from: ./modules/filepath/pretrained/torch.model WARNING:root:[!] Using speakeasy emulator config from: ./data/emulation.dataset/sample_emulation/speakeasy_config.json WARNING:root:[!] Loading pretrained weights for emulation model from: ./modules/emulation/pretrained/torch.model WARNING:root:[!] Loading pretrained weights for late fusion MultiLayerPerceptron model from: ./modules/late_fustion_model/MultiLayerPerceptron15_ember_emulation_filepaths.model [*] Legitimate 'calc.exe' analysis... WARNING:root:[!] Taking current filepath for: evaluation/adversarial/samples_goodware/calc.exe WARNING:root: [+] 0/0 Finished emulation evaluation/adversarial/samples_goodware/calc.exe, took: 0.19s, API calls acquired: 6 [!] Given path evaluation/adversarial/samples_goodware/calc.exe, probability (malware): 0.000005 [!] Individual module scores: ember filepaths emulation 0 0.000015 0.00319 0.062108 WARNING:root: [+] 0/0 Finished emulation evaluation/adversarial/samples_goodware/calc.exe, took: 0.11s, API calls acquired: 6 [!] Given path C:\users\myuser\AppData\Local\Temp\exploit.exe, probability (malware): 0.549334 [!] Individual module scores: ember filepaths emulation 0 0.000015 0.999984 0.062108 [*] BoratRAT analysis... WARNING:root: [+] 0/0 Finished emulation ./b47c77d237243747a51dd02d836444ba067cf6cc4b8b3344e5cf791f5f41d20e, took: 0.25s, API calls acquired: 194 [!] Given path %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\BoratRat.exe, probability (malware): 0.9997 [!] Individual module scores: ember filepaths emulation 0 0.035511 0.999602 0.96526 WARNING:root: [+] 0/0 Finished emulation ./b47c77d237243747a51dd02d836444ba067cf6cc4b8b3344e5cf791f5f41d20e, took: 0.25s, API calls acquired: 194 [!] Given path C:\windows\system32\calc.exe, probability (malware): 0.0392 [!] Individual module scores: ember filepaths emulation 0 0.035511 0.086567 0.96526 ``` ## Evaluation More detailed information about modules and individual tests: - `./modules/emulation/` - `./modules/filepaths/` - `./modules/sota/` Note! Parameters for the `sota` models can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/endgameinc/malware_evasion_competition/tree/master/models). Performance of this model on the proprietary dataset: ~90k PE samples with filepaths from real-world systems:

DET and ROC curves:

Detection rate with fixed False Positive rate:

## Future work - Experiments with **retrained** MalConv / Ember weights -- it makes sense to evaluate them on the same distribution - *Note*: this, however, does not matter since our goal is **not** to compare our modules with MalConv / Ember directly but to improve them. For this reason, it is even better to have original parameters. The main takeaway -- adding multiple modules together allows boosting results drastically. At the same time, each is noticeably weaker (even the API call module, which is trained on the same distribution). - Run GAMMA against composite solution (not just ember/malconv modules) - it looks like attacks are highly targeted. Interesting if it will be able to generate evasive samples against a complete pipeline .. (however, defining that in `secml_malware` might be painful ...) - Work on `CompositeClassifier()` API interface: - make it easy to take a PE sample(s) & additional document options (providing PE directory, predefined emulation report directory, etc.) - `.update()` to overtrain network with own examples that were previously flagged incorrectly - work without submitted `filepath` (only PE mode) - provide paths as separate argument to `.fit()`? - Additional modules: - (a) Autoruns checks (see Sysinternals book for a full list of registries analyzed) - (b) network connection information - etc.