Virtual machines to run EUTelescope analysis code accessing Test beam EOS data
Create the multipart file to be used for the user configuration:
write-mime-multipart -o user_data_context_mlt.txt user_data_ci.txt user_data_bs.txt
Template file cmsit_tb_group_stack.yaml
for orchestration:
heat_template_version: 2018-03-02
description: >
Create VM instances servers for CMS Inner Tracker Phase-II
test beam analysis
type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
count: 10
type: OS::Nova::Server
name: "cmsit-tba0%index%"
key_name: lxplus
image: 65bc0185-7fba-4b08-b256-cfc7576d9dda
flavor: m2.large
metadata: {"cern-services": "true",
"landb-description":"TEST-BEAM EUDET type dockerized analysis server",
"landb-os": "LINUX",
"landb-mainuser": "CMS-IT-TB-SPS"
user_data_format: RAW
get_file: user_data_context_mlt.txt
Create the stack of servers (10) using the template in the file cmsit_tb_group_stack.yaml
openstack --os-project-id c44e1040-5691-4ea5-881c-eb9a4b4d97e6 stack create -t cmsit_tb_group_stack.yaml cmsit-tba
A stack of servers named cmsit-tb0\<ID> will be created. Note there is no mechanism to balance the access to the servers so far. (TODO: Incorporate the servers into the puppet configuration mechanism and integrate them into an automatic load balancer)
In order to be able to access in the VM machine you have to belong to the CMS-IT-TB-SPS
e-group. Using your NICE user:
ssh -oGSSAPIDelegateCredentials=no <your user>@cmsit-tb0<ID>
Being <ID>
any number between 0
and 9
Note the -o
option in order not to accept delegated kerberos credentials. This will avoid having
problems with the AFS filesystem within the docker analysis container.
Those machines are intented to be used in a similar way than the lxplus
machines, that means you
will have access to your home AFS
(which is your home here as well), several EOS directories
(including CMS-related and USER) and some CVMFS
software (desy).
: You have read and write permissions like in lxplus
is the same than in lxplus
: You have read and write permissions like in lxplus
folder (although you don't have write permissions)Once logged into the cmsit-tb0<ID>
machine, you can launch the docker container
with the needed code to perform the EUTelescope offline analysis.
The above command will create a container and give you a terminal inside it. Marlin
and other offline analysis commands are available in there. Again, /afs
folders are available, as well.
The steering files from the EUTelescope processor can be found in the docker-container at:
, but in read only modecmsit-tba<ID>
kinit <niceuser>@CERN.CH
ls /eos/cms
in the cmsit-tba<ID>
machine. If there is no problems, enter into the container and try againEvery time any of the main codes and configuration elements are modified, the stack should be reinitialized. The easy, less error-prone way to do it, is by destroying and re-creating the stack. The main codes are:
And the main configuration elements:
The list of commands to destroy and create again the stack are described
below. The openstack
commands are available at
$ openstack project list
# First get the stack id
$ openstack --os-project-id <PROJECTID> stack list
# Then delete them
$ openstack --os-project-id <PROJECTID> stack delete <STACKID>
Wait until the vm instances are actually destroyed and all the resources freed.
Before create the stack, and if needed, create the multipart file
# Create the multipart config file
write-mime-multipart -o user_data_context_mlt.txt user_data_ci.txt user_data_bs.txt
# Create the stack
openstack --os-project-id c44e1040-5691-4ea5-881c-eb9a4b4d97e6 stack create -t cmsit_tb_group_stack.yaml cmsit-tba
# As superuser, first add the user
> cern-config-users --setup-user-accounts
# Update the docker group with the new user, just run in the superuser home:
> ./
file. Use the analyser
user (no login):
# Just sudo /bin/bash first
[root] cd /sw/repos/<repo_to_update>
[root] su -s /bin/bash -c 'git pull' analyser
alias creates a container defined at /sw/repos/dockerfiles-eutelescope/docker-compose.yml
. The container uses the eudaq and eutelescope softwares from the pre-built image. In order to use explicitely eudaq software from the host.
$ cd /sw/repos/dockerfiles-eutelescope
# To compile EUTElescope using EUDAQ from the host, and let the compiled objects at the host (which could be use afterwards
$ docker-compose run --rm compile
# To used the host compiled EUDAQ with the EUTelescope image
$ docker-compose run --rm devcode
# To used the host compiled EUDAQ with the EUTelescope image, privileged mode, able to be used with the TLU
$ docker-compose run --rm devcode
# Edit the docker-compose.override.yml file to include the binding of the host directory to the container
$ sudo /bin/bash
[root] su -s /bin/bash -c 'vim docker-compose.override.yml' analyser
Add the bind volume in the devcode
section of the yaml file:
Get an previous eutelescope container or create a new one, without deleting it:
# Back as regular user
[root] exit
$ docker container ps -a
# If no container, create one and exit
$ docker run devcode
# Entering again as superuser and copy the container eutelescope software into the host
[root] su -s /bin/bash -c 'docker cp 7c252d34dbf2:/eudaq/ilcsoft/v01-19-02/Eutelescope/ /sw/repos/' analyser
# Exit superuser and lauch the devcode service:
$ docker-compose run --rm devcode
Remember to edit the source files on the host using the analyser
su -s /bin/bash -c 'vim master/processors/src/' analyser
You must use a different container to run (analysis
modified with the binded mounted src folder) than to compile.