GT Planner is a website that provides students with a visual roadmap of their academic journey, making course planning clear and simple.
- Languages: JavaScript (TypeScript)
- Frameworks: React.js (Vite)
- UI Components: DaisyUI, TailwindCSS
- Icons: Lucide Icons
- Data Fetching: Axios, react-query
- Form Validation: react-hook-form, Zod
- Notifications: react-hot-toast
- Graph Visualization: react-flow
- Languages: JavaScript (TypeScript)
- Frameworks: Express.js
- Authentication: JWT, OAuth2
- Middlewares: morgan, express-rate-limit, Helmet.js
- Frontend: Render
- Backend: Render
Running Locally
Clone the repository
git clone <project-link>
Change to the project directory
cd gt-planner
Install dependencies
pnpm instll
Start the project
pnpm start
Planning your courses each semester can be tricky. GT Planner makes it easy and clear by showing your academic path with simple visuals, helping you organize and plan your journey smoothly.
What it does
The website is a fun, interactive space to plan your semesters. Design your academic journey, save it, and tweak it anytime!
ER Diagram
User Data Model
- ID: unique identifier for each user
- Username: user's chosen name
- Email: user's email address
Course Data Model
- ID: unique identifier for each course
- Title: title of the course
- Prerequisites: array of course IDs that are prerequisites for this course
User Table
Field |
Type |
Required |
email |
String |
Yes |
savedPlans |
Array |
No |
SavedPlans Object
Field |
Type |
Required |
name |
String |
Yes |
content |
String |
Yes |
Course Table
Field |
Type |
Required |
title |
String |
Yes |
prerequisites |
Array |
No |
postrequisites |
Array |
No |
Saved Plans
High Level
System Design