duccioa / python-seloger

A simple Seloger.com wrapper
MIT No Attribution
6 stars 1 forks source link



A simple SeLoger wrapper.

License: MIT-Zero.


From the shell:

pip install git+https://github.com/duccioa/python-seloger

Depending on your system, you might want to try:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/duccioa/python-seloger


pip3 install -e git+https://github.com/duccioa/python-seloger#egg=egg_name


Base class:


Every subclass links to the relevant search option.


Search filters have to be included in the form of a dictionary:

search_filters = {
    'url_key1': 'value1',
    'url_key2': 'value2'

url_key is the API key for the search option (ex. 'tri' is the URL key for sorting) and value is the required values ('d_dt_crea' is the value for sorting by date).

To get a list of the URL keys, use the .show_search_options() class-method:

from SeLoger import show_search_filters

show_search_filters() # to prompt a selection

show_search_filters(selection="print_all") # to show all the filters


Let's find a 1 bedroom apartment for buying in the 15th Arrondissement of Paris, minimum 40 sqm and with a balcony at a maximum price of 500 000 euros.

from SeLoger import SeLogerAchat
from SeLoger import show_search_filters

# Check the syntax for the relevant search filters

search_criteria = {'cp': '75015', 'idtypebien': '1', 'pxmax': '500000', 'surfacemin': '40','tri': 'd_dt_crea', 'nb_balconsmin': '1'}

rent_paris = SeLogerAchat(search_criteria)
# get_results creates a generator that can be iterated and stored in a list
results = rent_paris.get_results(2, print_results=1)
ads = []
for result in results:

Looking for an office in Marseille? Let's save the results as a Pandas dataframe.

from SeLoger import SeLogerLocation

search_criteria = {'cp': '33', 'idtypebien': '8', 'pxmax': '2000', 'surfacemin': '40', 'tri': 'd_dt_crea'}

office_marseille = SeLogerLocation(search_criteria, delay=5)
df = office_marseille.results_to_dataframe(4)

Future developments


This wrapper has been developed for study purposes, based on the python-craigslist scraper.


For bugs or new features, please use the issues tracker. I welcome any contribution.