ducdetronquito / plume

SQLite3 as a document-oriented database πŸš€
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1. `Overview <https://github.com/ducdetronquito/plume#overview>`_
2. `Benefits <https://github.com/ducdetronquito/plume#benefits>`_
3. `Installation <https://github.com/ducdetronquito/plume#installation>`_
4. `Usage <https://github.com/ducdetronquito/plume#usage>`_
5. `License <https://github.com/ducdetronquito/plume#license>`_


Plume is a small library that allows you to use SQLite3 as a document-oriented database.


Inspired from `Goatfish <https://github.com/skorokithakis/goatfish>`_, **Plume** provides:

* 😍 Concise API similar to MongoDB's API.
* πŸ”’ ACID transactions thanks to SQLite3.
* πŸ’‘ Complex queries with and/or operators and projections.
* ⚑ Indexes on collection, even on nested fields.
* πŸ‘Œ Extended test suite.


Plume is a Python3-only module that you will be soon able to install via pip. For now, as the library is still pretty unstable so you need to clone the repository.

The test suite (~82 tests) can be run with pytest

.. code:: sh

pytest ./test


To play with Plume you need first to import the library and create a database.

.. code:: python

    from plume import Database

    db = Database('data.db')

You can access a collection like an attribute of your database instance.
If you access a collection that does not exists yet, it will be created on
the first read or write operation.

.. code:: python

    # The "actors" collection does not exists yet...
    actors = db.actors
    # ... but it is create on the fly on the first operation
    actors.find({'name': 'Benedict Cumberbatch'})

You can insert one or multiple `dict` documents to your collection.

.. code:: python

        'name': 'Bakery Cumbersome'
        'age': 41,
        'friends': ['John Watson', 'Jim Moriarty'],
        'social_media': {
            'mastodon': {
                'profile': 'Bakery@Cumbersome',
                'followers': 10,

    #Β Consider a bulk insert if you have many documents
    db.actors.insert_many([{...}, {...}, {...}])

You can also make query to retrieve your documents, with comparison operators
(*$eq*, *$lt*, *$lte*, *$gt*, *$gte*, *$ne*) or logical operators (*$and*, *$or*).

.. code:: python

    # Retrieve actors that are between 18 and 42 years old
    # or named 'Beezlebub Cabbagepatch'.
        '$or': [
            {'age': {'$gt': 18, '$lt': 42}},
            {'name': {'$eq': 'Beezlebub Cabbagepatch'},

To retrieve only specific fields, you can specify a projection that describes fields to include or exclude.

.. code:: python

    # Retrieve only the name of actors that are more than 18 years old.
        {'age': {'$gt': 18}},
        {'name': 1}

The good part is that you can make query and projection on nested fields πŸ‘Œ.

.. code:: python

    # Retrieve only the mastodon profile of actors having more than
    # 42 mastodon followers.
        {'social_media.mastodon.followers': {'$gt': 42}},
        {'social_media.mastodon.profile': 1}

You can also retrieve a specific number of document by providing a *limit*...

.. code:: python

    #Retrieve 42 actors that are more than 18 years old.
        {'name': {'$gt': 18}},

...but you can also retrieve a single document.

.. code:: python

        {'age': {'$gt': 18}},
        {'name': 1}


Plume is released into the Public Domain. πŸŽ‰

Ps: If we meet some day, and you think this small stuff worths it, you can give me a beer, a coffee or a high-five in return: I would be really happy to share a moment with you ! 🍻