duchengyao / gpu-based-image-stitching

A simple version of "GPU based parallel optimization for real time panoramic video stitching".
73 stars 8 forks source link

0x00 Intro

This project is a simple implementation of opencv for the following papers.

Du, Chengyao, et al. (2020). GPU based parallel optimization for real time panoramic video stitching. Pattern Recognition Letters, 133, 62-69.

Fast panorama stitching method using UMat.

Speed of 4 cameras at 4k resolution is greater than 200fps in 1080ti.

This project does not provide a dataset so it cannot be used out of the box.

一个使用 OpenCV 进行快速全景视频拼接的方法。通过巧妙的流并行策略,在 1080ti 上可以对 4k 视频进行超过 200fps 的图像拼接。

0x01 Quick Start

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./image-stitching

0x02 Known Issue

Welcome to pull requests!

0x03 Example

About these procedure below (chinese) http://s1nh.com/post/image-stitching-post-process/ .

00.mp4 01.mp4 02.mp4 03.mp4




