duckduckdoof / discord_dreams

Some messing around with discord bots
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Feature: Melody Generation #24

Open Xokuraza opened 2 years ago

Xokuraza commented 2 years ago

This is a far off personal goal of mine that I know is very close to completely possible because we're using Python (i know because i did it for a class!). There is a python library called music21 which encapsulates the ability to generate midi programmatically. I suspect, that can be fed into a midi->sound converted and fed into ffmpeg. See where im going with this? User types in a command (maybe some params), the bot generates a melody and joins the channel and plays it!

command in txt channel -> music21 -> midiToSound -> ffmpeg -> output in user's voice channel

figured @Lmenden might take some interest in something like this.