duckduckdoof / discord_dreams

Some messing around with discord bots
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Some messing around with discord bots. It's not very clean (yet) (work in progress TM)


This project uses Python 3.9.7. I'd highly recommend using Anaconda as your python virtual environment.

Use the following to create a new conda environment and install the dependencies:

  1. conda create --name ENV_NAME_GOES_HERE pip

  2. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Creating the Bot

Before running this code, you must ensure you have a bot created on the discord developer dashboard, and give the new bot appropriate permissions. See this article for (well-written) instructions.

Storing the Bot's Token

Because it is mega-insecure to store the plaintext bot-token in github, you must store your token in an appropriate .env file. The discord bot will import this token on startup.

Your .env file must include the following: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=<YOUR TOKEN HERE>

Running the Bot

It's simple! Once you've installed the dependencies, just run:
