duff2013 / SDI12_T3

SDI-12 library for Teensy 3.x and Teensy LC
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Teensy 3.x/LC SDI-12 Library v3.1.0

SDI12 Specification

SDI12 is a single wire serial protocol that uses inverted 5V logic levels, specifically (1200 baud, 7E1) for bi-directional data flow with one Master and many Slaves. This library sets up the Freescale Cortex one-wire protocol for each of its 3 Hardware Serial ports TX pin along with critical timing - Break and Mark signals to wake the sensor bus. This makes effectively 3 separate SDI12 buses that can be used or not. Since SDI12 is Master-Slave, many different types of sensor can share the same bus through the use of unique address for each sensor.

Level Shifting:

Since Teensy (3.x/LC) are 3.3V micrcontrollers it is actually out of SDI12 specification:

  1. Spacing (3.5V to 5V)
  2. Marking (-0.5V to 1V)

For proper level shifting I found that you can use the Adafruit's Bi-directional Logic Level Converter TXB0104. I2C level shifters do not work because of their 'open-drain' architecture the TXB0104 uses 'push-pull'.

Sensor Tested:

  1. Decagon 5TE
  2. Decagon CTD
  3. Keller DigiLevel
  4. Vaisala WXT520

Hookup - No Level Shifter:

  1. Teensy 3.0 are not 5V tolerant, put a resistor inlined with the data line.
  2. Teensy 3.1 is 5V tolerant so direct connection can be done.
  3. While SDI12 specification states 12V is used for power, many sensors use a range of values (5-17V).

Connect the sensor to Teensy using Teensy's Vin (5V) for sensor power.

   *-----------------5V DC---------------------------------*               
   |                                                       |               
   |                                   TEENSY 3.0/LC       |               
   |                                  _______________      |               
   | *----------------GND----------->|GND |_____| Vin|<----*               
   | |                               |0  -----   AGND|                     
   | | *--Signal---/\/\/\/\--------<>|1/TX1   |  3.3V|                     
  _|_|_|__            10K            |2 |,,,,,|    23|                     
 /        \                          |3  -----     22|                     
| DECAGON  |                         |4 |'|        21|                     
|   5TE    |                         |5   ------   20|                     
|          |                         |6 |::::::::| 19|                     
|          |                         |7 |::::::::| 18|                     
|          |                         |8 |::::::::| 17|                     
|          |                         |9   ------   16|                     
 \________/                          |10    ---    15|                     
  || || ||                           |11   |(`)|   14|                     
  || || ||                           |12    ---    13|                     
  || || ||                            ---------------                       
  || || ||                                                                 
  || || ||                                                                      
  || || ||                                                                 
  \/ \/ \/                                                                 

   *-----------------5V DC---------------------------------*               
   |                                                       |                
   |                                    TEENSY 3.1         |               
   |                                  _______________      |               
   | *----------------GND----------->|GND |_____| Vin|<----*               
   | |                               |0  -----   AGND|                     
   | | *-------------Signal--------<>|1/TX1   |  3.3V|                     
  _|_|_|__                           |2 |,,,,,|    23|                     
 /        \                          |3  -----     22|                     
| DECAGON  |                         |4 |'|        21|                     
|   5TE    |                         |5   ------   20|                     
|          |                         |6 |::::::::| 19|                     
|          |                         |7 |::::::::| 18|                     
|          |                         |8 |::::::::| 17|                     
|          |                         |9   ------   16|                     
 \________/                          |10    ---    15|                     
  || || ||                           |11   |(`)|   14|                     
  || || ||                           |12    ---    13|                     
  || || ||                            ---------------                      
  || || ||                                                                 
  || || ||                                                                 
  || || ||                                                                 
  \/ \/ \/                                                                 

Connect the sensor to Teensy using external Vin for sensor power.

                External Power                                             
   *---12-7V---<|VOUT      |                                               
   | *---GND--->|GND    GND|<--*       TEENSY 3.0/LC                       
   | |           ----------    |      _______________                      
   | |                         *---->|GND |_____| Vin|                     
   | |                               |0  -----   AGND|                     
   | | *--Signal---/\/\/\/\--------<>|1/TX1   |  3.3V|                     
  _|_|_|__            10K            |2 |,,,,,|    23|                     
 /        \                          |3  -----     22|                     
| DECAGON  |                         |4 |'|        21|                     
|   5TE    |                         |5   ------   20|                     
|          |                         |6 |::::::::| 19|                     
|          |                         |7 |::::::::| 18|                     
|          |                         |8 |::::::::| 17|                     
|          |                         |9   ------   16|                     
 \________/                          |10    ---    15|                     
  || || ||                           |11   |(`)|   14|                     
  || || ||                           |12    ---    13|                     
  || || ||                            ---------------                       
  || || ||                                                                 
  || || ||                                                                      
  || || ||                                                                 
  \/ \/ \/                                                                 

                External Power                                             
   *---12-7V---<|VOUT      |                                               
   | *---GND--->|GND    GND|<--*         TEENSY 3.1                        
   | |           ----------    |      _______________                      
   | |                         *---->|GND |_____| Vin|                     
   | |                               |0  -----   AGND|                     
   | | *------------Signal---------<>|1/TX1   |  3.3V|                     
  _|_|_|__                           |2 |,,,,,|    23|                     
 /        \                          |3  -----     22|                     
| DECAGON  |                         |4 |'|        21|                     
|   5TE    |                         |5   ------   20|                     
|          |                         |6 |::::::::| 19|                     
|          |                         |7 |::::::::| 18|                     
|          |                         |8 |::::::::| 17|                     
|          |                         |9   ------   16|                     
 \________/                          |10    ---    15|                     
  || || ||                           |11   |(`)|   14|                     
  || || ||                           |12    ---    13|                     
  || || ||                            ---------------                       
  || || ||                                                                 
  || || ||                                                                      
  || || ||                                                                 
  \/ \/ \/                                                                 

Connect a sensor using level shifter and Teensy's Vin for sensor power.

                                                     |              |     
*----------------------GND---------------------------^-----GND----* |     
|                                                    |            | |     
|                                                    | *-SIGNAL-* | |     
|                                                    | |        | | |     
|                                                    | |       _*_*_*__   
|           TEENSY 3.x/LC                            | |      /        \  
|          _______________                           | |     | DECAGON  | 
*-------->|GND |_____| Vin|<------5V-----------------* |     |   5TE    | 
|  *-----<|0  -----   AGND|             ----------   | |     |          | 
|  |  *-<>|1/TX1   |  3.3V|>---------->|3.3V    5V|<-* |     |          | 
|  |  |   |2 |,,,,,|    23|      *---<>|A1      B1|<>--*     |          | 
|  |  |   |3  -----     22|      |     |A2      B2|          |          | 
|  |  |   |4 |'|        21|      |     |A4      B4|          |          | 
|  |  |   |5   ------   20|      |     |A3      B3|           \________/  
|  |  |   |6 |::::::::| 19|      |  *->|OE     GND|<-----*     || || ||   
|  |  |   |7 |::::::::| 18|      |  |   ----------       |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |8 |::::::::| 17|      |  |     TXB0104        |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |9   ------   16|      |  |  bi-directional    |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |10    ---    15|      |  |  level converter   |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |11   |(`)|   14|      |  |                    |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |12    ---    13|      |  |                    |     || || ||   
|  |  |    ---------------       |  |                    |     \/ \/ \/            
|  |  *--------TEENSY-SIGNAL-----*  |                    |                
|  |                                |                    |                
|  *-----------OE CONTROL-----------*                    |                
|                                                        |                

Connect a sensor using level shifter using Ext Vin for sensor power.

                             External Power                               
                             |      VOUT|>-------7-12V--------------*     
*-------------GND----------->|GND    GND|<--------GND-------------* |     
|                             ----------                          | |     
|                                                                 | |     
|                                                                 | |     
|                                                      *-SIGNAL-* | |     
|                                                      |        | | |     
|                                                      |       _*_*_*__   
|           TEENSY 3.x/LC                              |      /        \  
|          _______________                             |     | DECAGON  | 
*-------->|GND |_____| Vin|<------5V-----------------* |     |   5TE    | 
|  *-----<|0  -----   AGND|             ----------   | |     |          | 
|  |  *-<>|1/TX1   |  3.3V|>---------->|3.3V    5V|<-* |     |          | 
|  |  |   |2 |,,,,,|    23|      *---<>|A1      B1|<>--*     |          | 
|  |  |   |3  -----     22|      |     |A2      B2|          |          | 
|  |  |   |4 |'|        21|      |     |A4      B4|          |          | 
|  |  |   |5   ------   20|      |     |A3      B3|           \________/  
|  |  |   |6 |::::::::| 19|      |  *->|OE     GND|<-----*     || || ||   
|  |  |   |7 |::::::::| 18|      |  |   ----------       |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |8 |::::::::| 17|      |  |     TXB0104        |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |9   ------   16|      |  |  bi-directional    |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |10    ---    15|      |  |  level converter   |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |11   |(`)|   14|      |  |                    |     || || ||   
|  |  |   |12    ---    13|      |  |                    |     || || ||   
|  |  |    ---------------       |  |                    |     \/ \/ \/            
|  |  *--------TEENSY-SIGNAL-----*  |                    |                
|  |                                |                    |                
|  *-----------OE CONTROL-----------*                    |                
|                                                        |                

Library Usage


SDI12( Stream *port, char address, bool crc = false ) ;

  1. Stream *port = One of the Hardware Serial Ports.
  2. char address = Sensor Address, must be preprogramed.
  3. bool crc(optional) = Set 'true' to append CRC to sensor data.


// Define a constructor for each sensor you plan to use.
// Serial Port can either be Serial1, Serial2, Serial3.
// Address have to be ascii values. (0-10),(a-z),(A-Z).
// CRC will be appended to returned data packet for each sensor.
SDI12 DECAGON_5TE_10CM( &Serial3, '1', true );
SDI12 DECAGON_5TE_20CM( &Serial3, '2', true );
SDI12 DECAGON_5TE_30CM( &Serial3, '3', true );
SDI12 DECAGON_5TE_40CM( &Serial3, '4', true );


//SDI12 (Acknowledge Active) "a!" command.
int isActive( int address = -1 );
  1. int address(optional) = can use other address also.


int error;

// Check if sensor is active using address defined in constructor. 
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.isActive( );
if( error ) Serial.println( "Sensor at address 1 Not Active" );

// Check if sensor is active using address defined in constructor. 
error = DECAGON_5TE_20CM.isActive( );
if( error ) Serial.println( "Sensor at address 2 Not Active" );

// Check if sensor is active using address defined in constructor. 
error = DECAGON_5TE_30CM.isActive( );
if( error ) Serial.println( "Sensor at address 3 Not Active" );

// Check if sensor is active using address defined in constructor. 
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.isActive( );
if( error ) Serial.println( "Sensor at address 4 Not Active" );

// Check if sensor is active using different address than defined 
// in constructor. This allows us to see if it is actually a 
// different address.
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.isActive( '5' );
if( error ) Serial.println( "Sensor at address 5 Not Active" );

// SDI12 (Send Identification) "aI!" command.
int identification( volatile void *src );
  1. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold returned string.


int error;
// Max size of return string is 35 character.
char buf[35]

// If no error then print id string. 
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.identification( buf );
if( !error ) Serial.println( buf );

// If no error then print id string. 
error = DECAGON_5TE_20CM.identification( buf );
if( !error ) Serial.println( buf );

// If no error then print id string.
error = DECAGON_5TE_30CM.identification( buf );
if( !error ) Serial.println( buf );

// If no error then print id string.
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.identification( buf );
if( !error ) Serial.println( buf );

// SDI12 (Address Query) "?!" command.
/*** Only ONE sensor can on the bus when using this command! ***/
int queryAddress( void );


int address;

// Used to see what your sensor address actually is.
// Only one sensor can be connected to bus at a time. 
address = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.queryAddress( );
if(address != -1) {
Serial.print( "Sensor Address is " );
Serial.println( (char)address )

// SDI12 (Change Address) "aAb!" command.
int changeAddress( uint8_t new_address );
  1. uint8_t new_address = address you want to change to.


int address;

// Change address defined in the constructor '1' to '5'.
// This address will be updated for any future use of this function.
address = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.changeAddress( '5' );
if( address != -1 ) {
Serial.print( "New Address is" );
Serial.println( (char)address );
} else {
Serial.println( "Address out of range or command failed" );

// SDI12 (Start Verification) "aV!" command.
int verification( volatile void *src );
  1. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold returned string.


int error;
// Buffer to hold returned string.
char buf[35];
// Optionally can get debug info on command return
char debug[10];

error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.verification( debug );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( debug );

// Verification needs a return measurement command to get data
// 'returnMeasurement' function is explained below.
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.returnMeasurement( buf, 0 );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( buf );

// SDI12 (Start Measurement) command.
// "aM!", "aMC!" or "aM0...aM9" or "aMC0...aMC9"
int measurement( int num = -1 ) { uint8_t s[75]; measurement( s, num ); }
int measurement( volatile void *src, int num = -1 );
  1. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold acknowledgement string.
  2. int num = -1(optional) = Additional measurements.


int error;
// buffer to hold sensor measurement acknowledgment string.
char debug[10];
// Max return sensor string size is 81 characters.
char data[81];

// Function to tell sensor to make a measurement.
// optional additional measurements command.
/***error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.measurement( debug, 0 );***/
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.measurement( debug );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( debug );
// 'measurement' needs a return measurement command to get data.
// 'returnMeasurement' function is explained below.
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.returnMeasurement( data, 0 );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( data );

// Function to tell sensor to make a measurement.
// optional additional measurements command.
/***error = DECAGON_5TE_20CM.measurement( debug, 0 );***/
error = DECAGON_5TE_20CM.measurement( debug );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( debug );
error = DECAGON_5TE_20CM.returnMeasurement( data, 0 );
if (!error) Serial.print( data );

// Function to tell sensor to make a measurement.
// optional additional measurements command.
/***error = DECAGON_5TE_30CM.measurement( debug, 0 );***/
error = DECAGON_5TE_30CM.measurement( debug );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( debug );
error = DECAGON_5TE_30CM.returnMeasurement( data, 0 );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( data );

// Function to tell sensor to make a measurement.
// optional additional measurements command.
/***error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.measurement( debug, 0 );***/
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.measurement( debug );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( debug );
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.returnMeasurement( data, 0 );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( data );

// SDI12 (Start Concurrent Measurement) command.
// "aC!","aCC!" or "aC0...aC9" or "aCC0...aCC9"
int  concurrent( volatile void *src, int num = -1 );
  1. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold acknowledgement string.
  2. int num = -1(optional) = Additional measurements.


// Function to tell sensor to make a measurement.
// optional additional measurements command.
/***error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.concurrent( debug, 0 );***/
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.concurrent( debug );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( debug );
error = DECAGON_5TE_40CM.returnMeasurement( data, 0 );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( data );

// SDI12 (Start Continuous Measurement) command.
// "aR0!...aR9!" or "aRC0!...aRC9!"
int continuous( volatile void *src, int num = -1 );
  1. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold returned string.
  2. int num = -1(optional) = Additional measurements.


int error;
// buffer to hold sensor measurement string. 
// Max return sensor string size is 81 characters.
char data[81];

// Function to tell sensor to get a continuous measurement 
// if the sensor supports it.
// optional additional measurements command.
/***error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.continuous( data, 0 );***/
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.continuous( data );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( data );

// SDI12 (Return Measurement) command.
// "aD!" or "aD0!...aD9!"
int returnMeasurement( volatile void *src, int num = -1 );
  1. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold returned string.
  2. int num = -1(optional) = Additional measurements.


// This function will send the send data command to get the data string.
// Example is provided with 'measurement' function above.

// SDI12 (Transparent) command. Allows extended SDI12 commands.
int transparent( const void *command, volatile void *src );
  1. const (char or uint8_t) *command = SDI12 command to send.
  2. (char or uint8_t) *src = buffer array you supply to hold returned string.


int error;
// Command to send.
char cmd[3] = "2I!";
// buffer to hold sensor measurement string. 
// Max return sensor string size is 81 characters.
char data[81];

memset( data, 0, 81 );
// Function to tell sensor to send a transparent command.
// If using 'M' command it will handle sensor acknowledgement also.
error = DECAGON_5TE_10CM.transparent( cmd, data );
if ( !error ) Serial.print( data );