duilio / pelican-octopress-theme

Octopress default theme copied for pelican
MIT License
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Octopress Theme for Pelican

This is a theme for Pelican that looks like Octopress default theme. I wrote this theme for my personal blog_.

Why use this theme?

I really like Octopress default theme, I think is enough pretty and very readable. On the other hand I don't like any of the themes currently available for Pelican. As I'm not able to write a nice theme from scratch I've just copied the Octopress' one.

Why didn't you use Octopress?

I've started writing my blog with Octopress but I haven't found a way to easily have a multi-language blog without hacking more than the time I was planning to spend to setup my blog. You can argue that the time spent to copy the Octopress' theme is more than adding a multi-language feature for Octopress.. I'm not sure of that since I've no idea what kind of changes Octopress required to support multiple language per post.

I've found out that I like more the organization of Pelican: Octopress/Jekyll have a unique repository you have to fork, so its code is mixed with your blog's data. Pelican instead separates the two things. Also Pelican is written in Python that I know way better than Ruby.

The theme is missing XXX

I've started writing this theme just for my blog and my blog required few template pages and few features. If you want to add XXX please be free to fork this repository and submit a pull request, I'll be happy to merge it!


This theme add a nice section on the sidebar with a list of GitHub repositories of the user. You can enable it by using these settings:

This theme also allows sharing via Twitter, Google Plus, and Facebook. To enable any of these, use the following settings:

Extra Twitter options (default values are shown):

Extra google plus options (default values are shown):

Google Analytics

Sidebar image

QR Code generation

FeedBurner integration

Disqus comments

Isso self-hosted comments

Isso_ is intended to be a Free replacement for systems like Disqus. Because it is self-hosted, it gives you full control over the comments posted to your website.

NOTE: comments are displayed only if the article is not a draft and SITEURL is defined (usually is) and either one of DISQUS_SITENAME or ISSO_SITEURL are defined!

X min read

medium.com like "X min read" feature. You need to activate the plugin post_stats for this to work (default values are shown):


Main Navigation (menu bar)

Markup for Social Sharing

In order to specify page title, description, image and other metadata for customized social sharing (e.g. Twitter cards <https://dev.twitter.com/cards/overview>_), you can add the following metadata to each post:

In addition, you can provide a default post image (instead of setting social_image in the post metadata), by setting SOCIAL_IMAGE in your pelicanconf.

These can be used for social sharing on Google+, Twitter, and Facebook as well as provide more detailed page data for Google Search. In order to enable in each respective channel, your post metadata needs to specify:

Archive Title


. Fork the repository_ on Github

. Send a pull request


.. Pelican: http://getpelican.com .. Octopress: http://octopress.org .. my personal blog: http://blogs.skicelab.com/maurizio/ .. the repository: http://github.com/duilio/pelican-octopress-theme .. Maurizio Sambati: https://github.com/duilio .. Geoffrey Lehée: https://github.com/socketubs .. Ekin Ertaç: https://github.com/ekinertac .. Jake Vanderplas: https://github.com/jakevdp .. Nicholas Terwoord: https://github.com/nt3rp .. Mortada Mehyar: https://github.com/mortada .. Check the contributors: https://github.com/duilio/pelican-octopress-theme/graphs/contributors .. Isso: http://posativ.org/isso/