dukecon / dukecon_html5

MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link


Developing using Tomcat

Start local tomcat with

mvn tomcat7:run-war

Open http://localhost:8080/dukecon-html5-client/public/ in your browser.

REST service call will use relative path rest/conferences/499959 which will work, if server and html5 client are packaged in the same JAR (as overlay). For development use the following maven profile:

mvn tomcat7:run-war -P develop

which uses dukecon_html5/src/main/webapp/public/rest/conferences/499959.json as local resource. This file need to be synchronized from time to time from https://dev.dukecon.org/latest/rest/conferences/499959. We have ".json" as file extension as Tomcat can't send this json document without extension.

Customize used REST service url with an environment variable:

mvn tomcat7:run-war -Ddukecon.server.jsonUrl=https://dev.dukecon.org/latest/rest/conferences/499959

Developing using Node

Initially run

npm install

to install dependencies. Afterwards run

node node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js watch

to serve the web pages locally.

Reset IndexDB and Localstore

To remove all local settings, including the latest talks, offline status, filters and favorties, open [dukeon-url]/reset.html CAUTION: this currently does not force purging of the HTML5-cache (i.e. reload files listed in cache.manifest)

Rest HTML5 Cache

When using chrome use the following URL to manually clear it: chrome://appcache-internals

Run the Jasmine Tests

Execute them in a browser


mvn jasmine:bdd

Open http://localhost:8234 to run the specs. Once you have changed any javascript resources, press reload in your browser.

Run them on the command line


mvn jasmine:test

This will run the tests using PhantomJS. Iterate until BUILD SUCCESS appears.