dummy-decoy / flipperzero_badusb_kl

keyboard layout file generator for the badusb application of the flipperzero device
MIT License
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Keyboard layout file generator for the flipperzero badusb application


flipperzero_badusb_kl.exe <options> [<file>]

options are:
    -h      display this help
    -r      read layout file <file> and work from here
    -w      write layout file <file> when done
    -d      dump current keyboard layout
    -m <char> <key> <mods>
            map a key to a character. repeat option as necessary.
                <char> is any character between ascii(32) and ascii(126)
                <key>  is the hid key code (see -k)
                <mods> is any combination of none, lshift, lctrl, lalt,
                       lgui, rshift, rctrl, ralt, rgui separated by a +
    -k      display valid hid key codes\
    -g      display a simplified graphical representation of the
            resulting mapping. good for a quick check, prefer -l for
            serious diagnostic
    -l      list exhaustively the content of the resulting mapping
    -e      expert mode. suppress all checks on following -m options,
            effectively allowing to put whatever you see fit into the
            keyboard layout. 

options are applied in the following order: -r -d -m -k -g -l -w



The included makefile is intended for the MingW-W64 port of GCC on Windows.


Obviously requires a Windows computer.


.kl file format

A .kl file is a binary file format which stores, for each ASCII code point in order from ASCII(0) to ASCII(127), a 16 bit little endian value composed of a USB HID code in the low order byte and a bit set of modifier keys in the high order byte.

USB HID codes for each key of a standard 102/105 key keyboard are (as displayed passing option -k to the software):

    | 35 | 1e | 1f | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 2d | 2e |  <- |
    |  -> | 14 | 1a | 08 | 15 | 17 | 1c | 18 | 0c | 12 | 13 | 2f | 30 |    |
     ------------------------------------------------------------------|   |
    |   o  | 04 | 16 | 07 | 09 | 0a | 0b | 0d | 0e | 0f | 33 | 34 | 31 |   |
    |  ^  | 64 | 1d | 1b | 06 | 19 | 05 | 11 | 10 | 36 | 37 | 38 |    ^    |
    | ctrl | gui | alt |              2c                | alt | gui | ctrl |

Modifier key bits are listed in order, starting from bit 1: lctrl, lshift, lalt, lgui, rctrl, rshift, ralt, rgui.