dune-lardon / lardon

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time series versus runs (e.g. see Dario's list) -> Thibaut #21

Open woohoudy opened 2 years ago

woohoudy commented 2 years ago

Ok modification of lardon.py to extract value of pedestal into text files. Script routine to loop over different runs and then macro to read each text file.

woohoudy commented 2 years ago

Ok so first I extracted the Pedestal mean and RMS for raw data and filtered ones (4 variables). I used the data container of lardon as in "dc.evt_list[ievent].noise_filt.ped_mean" for extracting the value of the pedestal for filtered waveforms. I am always taking the first event of each run. The channel number is simply the index in the array "dc.evt_list[ievent].noise_filt.ped_mean". Is it after or before channel mapping??

Here you can see these 4 variables for run 435 as an illustration: 1run

woohoudy commented 2 years ago

Then I look for each run. The run list is: Runlist.log

woohoudy commented 2 years ago

And finally one can look for evolution of these variables for the ~80 runs available. I selected some channels to make evolution of the RMS visible : allruns

Same can be done for Pedestal value but it seems less interesting image

woohoudy commented 2 years ago

Next step:

YoannKermaidic commented 2 years ago

Updated RMS plots after fixing the FFT cut to 600 kHz (not 100 kHz - wrong previous setting) and after signal masking for the coherent noise treatment. The RMS is for single event only for now. Raw_rms_allRuns Filtered_rms_allRuns

woohoudy commented 2 years ago

Comparing with Slavic's LarSoft Run 446: image


To what is due the difference?? What is our mapping and his? DAQ channel? why do we have lower RMS on average but spikes?