dune-lardon / lardon

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Liquid Argon Reconstruction Done in PythON


Librairies needed to run lardon

You need miniconda installed :


and then get the librairies as stated in lardenv.yml :

conda env create -f lardenv.yml

:warning: It'll take about 2-3 GB of space!

then : conda activate lardenv

Before running lardon

Check and modify config.py and files in settings/ :

To run lardon on data

To launch lardon, type python lardon.py with the following arguments:


e.g. 1 : To run TPC reco on the first 10 events of top electronics run 1740 subfile 5_b, type :

python lardon.py -det cbtop -run 1740 -sub 5_b -n 10 -out example -trk

the output h5file will be store_path/cbtop_1740_5_b_example.h5

e.g. 2 : To run TPC reco on all events of bottom electronics run 20199 subfile 0, type :

python lardon.py -det cbbot -run 20199 -sub 0 -out full_example -trk

the output h5file will be store_path/cbbot_20199_0_full_example.h5

e.g. 3 : To run TPC and PDS reco the 5th event of bottom electronics run 23868 subfile 23, type:

python lardon.py -det cbbot -run 23868 -sub 23 -event 5 -trk -pds -out one_event

the output h5file will be store_path/cbbot_23868_23_one_event.h5

lardon Convention

Coldbox 2nd period


Control Plots

:warning: The data is structured in daq_channel ordering, which can have a mix of views

By default, no control plots is produced, but you can call the plotting functions in lardon.py anywhere in the reconstruction loop.

All plot functions have the two options :

To plot the current event display:

Seen in daq_channel ordering:
Seen in view channel ordering (more natural):

To plot the current waveform(s):

plot.plot_wvf_current_daqch([daq_ch_1, daq_ch_2, ...])

To plot the noise RMS

where noise_type is either raw or filt

To check the signal/noise separation on the event display:

The signal (ROI) : plot.event_display_per_view_roi()
The noise : plot.event_display_per_view_noise()
The found hits on the ED: plot.event_display_per_view_hits_found()

To plot hits found :


To plot 2D tracks (and hits):


To plot 3D tracks:

plot.plot_2dview_hits_and_3dtracks() <- see the 3D tracks projected in 2D
plot.plot_3d() <- see the 3D tracks in 3D

To plot the PDS waveforms:

plot.draw_pds_ED(draw_peak=True, roi=True) <- also shows the reconstructed PDS peaks and ROI