The early 2010s began a period of internet-based activism that was immediately embraced by much of mainstream liberalism without any rigorous analysis or appraisal of the organizational structure and limitations of these internet-based movements (Nagle, 2017). Image based web forums such as Reddit, 4chan and 8chan were the basis of many of these movements.
ImagePlotting is not yet on the CRAN but can be installed with:
Data: All data retrieved using code in the import folder can be found here.
Import: All code used to import images and collect metadata.
Analysis: Single function ala Qtip to conduct analysis for all but stack features. Set good defaults, but allow passage of arguments to other underlying functions like those in color distance.
Output: There are three output models: ImagePlot, Image Montage, and ggplot2 with geom_image. Subsequent visual analyses including histograms and gganimate.
Images: Images used in analysis (way too much for data folder so condensed as a zip?)
Schonig J. “Liking” as creating: On aesthetic category memes. New Media & Society. 2020;22(1):26-48. doi:10.1177/1461444819855727
Angela Nagle. 2017. Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right. Zero Books, Alresford, GBR.
Package Dependencies