dunkelstern / planticam

Timelapse camera and video streaming firmware for Raspberry Pi zero W
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raspberry-pi-camera raspberry-pi-zero-w rtmp timelapse

Planticam, open source timelapse and streaming camera for Raspberry Pi Zero W

This firmware transforms your Raspberry Pi Zero W to a timelapse or RTMP streaming camera using one of the many Raspberry Pi CSI compatible cameras.

The idea is to have a stable maintenance free appliance that will not crash and burn if it looses power (for example because it is turned on and off by a timer switch)



What you need

How to use

  1. Connect the camera to the Pi Zero W
  2. Put the electronics into the case (store bought or 3D Printed)
  3. Flash the image from the release page onto the SD card (I recommend Etcher for this)
  4. Connect your Pi to a Computer using the OTG (middle) Port, not the power port
  5. Wait for it to boot, a new network connection will become available once it has booted
  6. Open a browser and navigate to
  7. Follow the setup instructions on the website

How it works

When connected to power the Pi boots the image from the SD-Card, this image is special as it is not the usual Raspberry Pi OS or even Ubuntu. This image has been build with Buildroot and compressed into a read-only squashfs file system.

On boot the USB Ethernet Gadget mode is activated and an instance of dnsmasq is providing DHCP services on that interface. When a computer connects to it, it sees a USB network card and usually runs a DHCP client on that interface. It will get an IP address in the Range while the Pi has

On the Pi we have the following running services:

How to configure (the UI way)

  1. Connect the Pi with the data port (not the power one) to a computer
  2. Wait a minute for it to boot
  3. Open a browser and navigate to

The default username is admin and the password is en3Eyied0mae

How to configure (the manual way)

  1. Insert the flashed SD-card into a card reader/your computer
  2. Open the SD-card (on Windows it will show up as a drive, on OSX it should show up in finder and on Linux it depends on your environment, if it does not show up automatically, mount the first partition, the vfat one)
  3. Open wpa_supplicant.conf and enter your WiFi name and password instead of default and password. Make sure to save with linux/unix line endings (LF only, nor CR LF which is default on Windows)
  4. Open planticam.conf in your editor and see below for a description of the options (if the names are not enough)

How to configure (the cryptographically secure way)

See "The manual way" above first.

SSH Keys

The ssh host keys of this image are embedded and will not be re-generated as the filesystem is strictly read-only, however you can replace them as they are stored on the vfat partition of the SD-card in the folder ssh-keys. It is strongly recommended to either build the complete image with buildroot yourself or at least change the keys if it is remotely possible the device will be accessed over the internet.

To re-generate the keys run the following commands and replace the files on the SD-card with the newly generated ones:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key -C '' -N ''
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ssh_host_dsa_key -C '' -N ''
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ssh_host_ecdsa_key -C '' -N ''
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ssh_host_ed25519_key -C '' -N ''

On the boot partition you will find another SSH key, the client key, directly in the root folder. To re-generate this one run the following command and replace the files on the card (id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub):

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f id_ed25519 -C 'planticam' -N ''

Random seed

As this is an embedded system with absolutely no external hardware attached to gather entropy from, we have to help the Pi (else every cryptographic algorithm that uses random numbers will hang on boot until enough entropy has been gathered.)

At build time the scripts generate a random seed. It is not strictly necessary to exchange that seed but if you want to be sure nobody can guess the internal state of your device you may exchange the seed if you want.

The seed is stored as a kernel-boot-parameter in cmdline.txt in the parameter systemd.random_seed. To generate a base64 string to use as a seed run the following:

head -c 250 /dev/urandom |base64 -w0 -

This takes 250 bytes of random data from /dev/urandom, base64 encodes it and prints it to the terminal.


also known as: "It does not work, what's wrong!"

There are 3 methods of accessing the device, ordered from "it mostly works" to "wtf is wrong":

  1. If it seems to connect to Wifi, try SSH as root to planticam.local if you have zeroconf (also known as bonjour) running.
  2. If you get something like ssh: Could not resolve hostname planticam.local: Name or service not known either zeroconf is not working correctly or the device did not connect to Wifi, consult your router to find the appropriate IP address to use with SSH.
  3. If Wifi absolutely won't connect, see if your router advertises its SSID on a channel that is probably not supported by the firmware (for example: You can use 2.4GHz channel 13 in Germany, but the firmware has no region set so it will not scan on that channel as it is forbidden to use in other parts of the world)
  4. If your router is fine, but it will not connect, try connecting the Pi to a computer via the USB data port and try SSH to as root user.
  5. If even the internal USB gadget ethernet won't work try using a serial console on the GPIO header. You will need a USB to serial converter (or something similar) that can be used on 3.3V. Warning: The Pi UART is not 5V compliant, you will destroy the PI if you're using a 5V device here! The Baud-rate is 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (also known as 115200 8N1)

For console login use the root user and the password Tu1boo4bee5i

You will not have any writable filesystem by default. You can re-mount the vfat partition that is mounted as /boot if you just want to correct a setting though (only vi available on the Pi though, i to switch to edit mode, ESC :wq to exit ;) ):

mount -o remount,rw /boot

Be sure to re-mount read only before disconnecting power to avoid crashed SD-cards.

To debug what went wrong, usually you can look at the following commands:


  1. Create a working directory: mkdir planticam
  2. Checkout this repository: git clone https://github.com/dunkelstern/planticam.git
  3. Download a copy of buildroot: wget https://buildroot.org/downloads/buildroot-2020.11.tar.gz
  4. Unpack buildroot: tar xvzf buildroot-2020.11.tar.gz
  5. Link the buildroot directory to buildroot (without version number): ln -sf buildroot-2020.11 buildroot
  6. Switch to the build directory: cd planticam
  7. Run the build script: ./build-planticam.sh
  8. Go grab a coffee, this takes some time as the complete crosscompiling toolchain is downloaded and build before re-building the complete system in the image from source. (Takes about an hour on my Lenovo Yoga Slim)
  9. Go grab the image from output/planticam/images/sdcard.img

If you want to make changes to the planticam sources you can re-run the build process with the clean parameter to clean out the build packages before re-building: ./build-planticam.sh clean, this will only clean out neccessary files, a rebuild should be done in about a minute usually.

While building, the scripts generate SSH keys for the ssh daemon as well as a client ssh key, those will only be rebuilt if you remove the output/planticam/images folder, so you may experiment with new images without constantly removing the keys from your known_hosts or replacing the public key on your image destination server.

To put the image on an SD-card you can either use etcher or any other image writer. I prefer to do it with dd:

dd if=output/planticam/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M oflag=sync status=progress

Replace /dev/sdX with the appropriate device name of your SD-card, make sure you may access the device file (either put yourself in the appropriate group for your Linux Distro or run the command as root). The oflag=sync skips the write cache of the SD-card so you can remove it immediately after the command finishes, the status=progress displays write progress, which is good as the dd command may appear to hang while the system is copying data.



secret_key = apAkGhEL6bve1NwB/RzQSuIEafI=
username = admin
password = sha256:50000:y1c7SCo95G8FTkY8gXsmwQ==:XrTm1s1P6qDabh1pCNAVUL84eVvvLjW-OwwbnN_yJgs=

resolution_x = 2592
resolution_y = 1944
rotation = 0
iso = auto
exposure_mode = auto
exposure_compensation = 0
metering_mode = average
drc = off
awb_mode = auto
awb_gain_red = 0.9
awb_gain_blue = 0.9
brightness = 50
contrast = 0
saturation = 0
sharpness = 0
denoise = 0

enable = on
delay = 120
upload_mode = none
upload_server = localhost
upload_path = /data
upload_auth_user = planticam
upload_auth_password =
upload_form_field =
upload_cmd = SSHPASS= sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /boot/id_ed25519 {input_file} planticam@localhost:/data/{output_file}
weekday_enable = off,off,off,off,off,off,off
weekday_from = 00:00,00:00,00:00,00:00,00:00,00:00,00:00
weekday_to = 23:59,23:59,23:59,23:59,23:59,23:59,23:59


