dunland / muscle

enhancing my drumset to trigger samples + FX with piezo mics and a teensy
3 stars 0 forks source link

folder structure


│       code folder. contains subfolders 
│   └───teensy
│   │   holding the main code
│   └───debug
│   │   for Arduino-sketches used to evaluate the contact mic sensitivities
│   └───processing
│   │   with an exemplary sketch for the real-time generation of visuals
│   └───python
│       with a script supporting the calibration process graphically
│       Documentation folder with images and progress logs and other media files
│   CAD and ECAD files
│   some interesting material on using piezo microphones, interrupts on teensy, etc
│   this folder holds logs that are recorded from contact microphone streams
│   while playing the instruments

project management

overview of the SUPER MUSCLE platform with all its external components

overview of my Master Project Progress. Working Title: "SUPER MUSCLE"