pipenv install --dev -r dev-requirements.txt && pipenv install -r requirements.txt
to install python and flask dependenciespipenv shell
to enter virtual pip environment and flask run
to start the flask server.cd react-app && npm install
to change to client directory and install react-app dependencies. This is a web application dedicated to converting video files from your pc or cellular device into mp3 formatted audio files for download. I created this web application primarily with audio sampling in mind for use in tandem with other applications for music production, however there are plenty of other use cases within education. Record a video of a particularly challenging drum part, extract the audio, and slow down the audio in your favorite audio engineering platform.
I would like to maintain this app and continue to offer more services such as incorporating python-youtube library, and offer other download formats instead of just MP3. I would also like to create accounts associated with this application so users can access previously converted videos in one convenient location.