duraki / SketchCrapp

SketchCrapp - Crack your Sketch.app in seconds :) Supports MacOS Big Sur.
433 stars 37 forks source link
crack macos reverse-engineering reverseengineering sketch sketch-app sketch-plugin sketchapp



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Sketch.App Patch Tool, brought to you by @duraki & @elijahtsai. This script provides you a quick and dirty way to patch Sketch.app for Unlimited Trial. You can always patch manually using Ghidra by following this tutorial. Offsets available here.

Download Sketch.App version of your choice here: https://www.sketch.com/updates/


Magic Trick ✨

For the people who would like to try the new version, we got you covered. You can pass -m argument for the ultimate life-saving trick, which will automagically download latest Sketch app from the official website and patch the bundle, ready to be launched from the Applications folder.


One-liner script to install latest Sketch version and automatically patch it:

bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duraki/SketchCrapp/master/sketchcrapp.sh -o -)" -O -m


Successful screenshot of using magic trick

All The Trick


crackb0x:SketchCrapp duraki$ ./sketchcrapp.sh -h
           __       __      __
      ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /  ___________ ____  ___
    ( _-</  '_/ -_) __/ __/ _ \/ __/ __/ _ `/ _ \/ _ \
    /___/_/\_\\__/\__/\__/_//_/\__/_/  \_,_/ .__/ .__/
                                          /_/  /_/
         Sketch.App Patch Tool (https://github.com/duraki/SketchCrapp)
         by @duraki & @elijahtsai

./sketchcrapp [-h] [-a] <applicationPath> [-m] [-g] <version>
Supported versions: v51.3, v53, v58, v63.1, v64.0, v65.1, v66.1, v67
v67.1, v67.2, v68, v68.1, v68.2, v69, v69.1, v69.2, v70.2, v70.3, v70.4
v70.5, v70.6, v71.1, v71.2
[+] SketchCrapp last published date: 2021-10-16 serial 002
crackb0x:SketchCrapp duraki$ ./sketchcrapp.sh -m
           __       __      __
      ___ / /_____ / /_____/ /  ___________ ____  ___
    ( _-</  '_/ -_) __/ __/ _ \/ __/ __/ _ `/ _ \/ _ \
    /___/_/\_\\__/\__/\__/_//_/\__/_/  \_,_/ .__/ .__/
                                          /_/  /_/
         Sketch.App Patch Tool (https://github.com/duraki/SketchCrapp)
         by @duraki & @elijahtsai

[+] Hello, The magic show is about to start! Are you ready?
[+] Checking if version v71.2 is supported ...
[+] Generating swift script: target Version ...
[+] Fetching https://download.sketchapp.com/sketch-versions.xml ...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 85817  100 85817    0     0  53435      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  355k
[+] Generating swift script: target URL ...
[+] Download URL set to: https://download.sketch.com/sketch-71.2-115329.zip
[+] Checking directory tmp existence ... OK
[+] Fetching https://download.sketch.com/sketch-71.2-115329.zip ...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 58.5M  100 58.5M    0     0  1805k      0  0:00:33  0:00:33 --:--:-- 2328k
[+] Checking if Sketch.app exist in /tmp ... Not exist. Continuous.
[+] Checking if Sketch.app exist in /Applications ... Exist. Removing.
[+] Moving Sketch.app to /Applications directory ... Successfully.
[+] Analysing application bundle ... Starting
[+] Finding executable file ... OK
[+] Finding Info.plist ... OK
[+] Checking Info.plist for CFBundleShortVersionString ... OK
[+] Validating executable file ... OK
[+] Selected Sketch.app version is 71.2 ... SketchCrapp starting ... OK
[+] Patching offsets for 71.2 ...
Starting patch via bash&seek ...
[+] Patching address at offset: 0x5dccbf with value: \00
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000025 secs (39946 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0x5dccc2 with value: \00
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000037 secs (27060 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0x5db90e with value: \00\00
2+0 records in
2+0 records out
2 bytes transferred in 0.000026 secs (76960 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0x5dba3e with value: \165
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000022 secs (45590 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0x6cef41 with value: \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00
15+0 records in
15+0 records out
15 bytes transferred in 0.000066 secs (227128 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0x6cef51 with value: \40\123\153\145\164\143\150\103\162\141\160\160\40
13+0 records in
13+0 records out
13 bytes transferred in 0.000061 secs (213827 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0xe9992c with value: \01
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000022 secs (45590 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0xe99930 with value: \24
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000017 secs (59075 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0xe9859c with value: \165\00
2+0 records in
2+0 records out
2 bytes transferred in 0.000020 secs (99864 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0xe986bf with value: \64
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 bytes transferred in 0.000017 secs (59075 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0xfaa308 with value: \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00
15+0 records in
15+0 records out
15 bytes transferred in 0.000065 secs (231304 bytes/sec)
[+] Patching address at offset: 0xfaa318 with value: \40\123\153\145\164\143\150\103\162\141\160\160\40
13+0 records in
13+0 records out
13 bytes transferred in 0.000061 secs (213827 bytes/sec)
[+] Checking user default keychain ... Exist
[+] Checking SketchCrapp identity ... Exist
[+] Skipping certificate creation
[+] Signing the patched *.app bundle. This may require root privilege.
[+] If asked, enter your login password. Choose "Always Allow" to not be asked again.
/Applications/Sketch.app: replacing existing signature
/Applications/Sketch.app: signed app bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) [com.bohemiancoding.sketch3]
[+] Cleaning up file(s) ... Cleaned
[+] SketchCrapp process completed. Sketch.app has been patched :)
[+] -- Notice:
[+] If a dialogue shows up with message: “Sketch 3.app” can’t be opened
[+] please right-click the application and select open,
[+] or go to Settings -› Security and allow opening Sketch.app application.
[+] If you are using an old version and a dialogue shows up asking for password
[+] about "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.HockeySDK"
[+] please enter your login password. Choose "Always Allow" to not be asked again.

[+] SketchCrapp (A Sketch.app cracking tool)
[+] https://github.com/duraki/SketchCrapp [by @duraki & @elijahtsai]
[+] SketchCrapp last published date: 2021-10-16 serial 002


If you have troubles using the script, please contact the team via GitHub Issues.

Version Request

Higher Version

If the version you are trying to patch is higher than supported, please notify the team via GitHub Issues.

Lower Version

If you really need specific version you can contact the team via GitHub Issues, but we can only do our best to help you.

Build with ❤️ by @duraki & @elijahtsai

Special Fans: @JosephShenton & @Aurther-Nadeem

Original idea and thread

Offset Table

58 63.1 64 65.1 66.1 67 & 67.1
0x1003912c0 0x1004a2a50 0x1004cde70 0x1004db500 0x1004f3750 0x10050a6d0
0x10038ff14 0x1004a1724 0x1004ccb44 0x1004da1d4 0x1004f2424 0x100509394
0x10038ff2c 0x1004a1738 0x1004ccb58 0x1004da1e8 0x1004f2438 0x1005093a8
0x10038ff32 0x1004a173e 0x1004ccb5e 0x1004da1ee 0x1004f243e 0x1005093ae
0x10039007d 0x1004a1879 0x1004ccc99 0x1004da329 0x1004f2579 0x1005094e9
0x10039009a 0x1004a1896 0x1004cccb6 0x1004da346 0x1004f2596 0x100509506
67.2 68 68.1 & 68.2 69 69.1 & 69.2
0x10050a790 0x10054d2b0 0x10054d350 0x1005cf770 0x1005d09e0
0x100509454 0x10054bf74 0x10054c014 0x1005ce434 0x1005cf564
0x100509468 0x10054bf88 0x10054c028 0x1005ce448 0x1005cf57c
0x10050946e 0x10054bf8e 0x10054c02e 0x1005ce44e 0x1005cf582
0x1005095a9 0x10054c0c9 0x10054c169 0x1005ce589 0x1005cf6ae
0x1005095c6 0x10054c0e6 0x10054c186 0x1005ce5a6 0x1005cf6d2

Since Sketch supported M1 architecture and we change our patch processor to compatible with it, we are not updating the offset table anymore after version 69.2, but you can still study our script to learn from it.

Stars Record

⭐️ Date
100 2020-11-20
150 2021-01-15
200 2021-03-04
250 2021-05-15
300 2021-07-17
350 2021-12-28
400 2023-08-30
450 soon🎄

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time