durgadas311 / cosmac-elf

COS/MAC ELF Simulator
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COS/MAC ELF Simulator

Example Example

This simulator aspires to replicate the experience of using the "COS/MAC ELF" home-built computer, as described in these Popular Electronics articles.

The simulator is contained entirely in the JAR file.

The default configuration is 256 bytes of RAM and no PROM, no additional hardware. Optional hardware add-ons include:

Elf-II Running Invaders

A plain-text configuration file may be used to add optional hardware and expand RAM.

The simulator provides a "Help" menu which contains documentation on configuring and using the simulator. The simulator is started using this command:

java -jar VirtualCOSMAC_EFL.jar [config-file]

Where config-file indicates an optional argument being the filename of a configuration file ("[]" indicates optional, not literal characters).

The "Debug" menu provides methods for debugging and other conveniences.

Example Example Example

An original ELF from James Brown (http://www.cosmacelf.com/gallery/elf-and-microtutors/) Reference