duse-io / api

RESTful api of duse
MIT License
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This project is still under heavy development, it is not suited for production use!

duse api

Duse is a cryptographic server client application created to securely share secrets among signed up users. It is meant to be used for secrets such as passwords and ssh-keys, but it can very well be used to encrypt and share anything.

How It Works

Duse uses a combination of algorithms to build its cryptographic protocol.

The following are the high level steps a client has to do to share a secret with this api.

A supported client implementation is duse.rb. It is a ruby library which consumes the duse api and provides a CLI.

API Documentation

Check out the interactive api documentation.

Setup (development)

You will need docker and docker-compose to start the application.

Then clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/duse-io/api.git

Once you have cloned the repository download the dependencies and build the docker image

sudo docker-compose build

Then start the database container

sudo docker-compose up -d db

Now setup the database

sudo docker-compose run web rake db:create
sudo docker-compose run web rake db:migrate

Done! Start the api with the sudo docker-compose up command.

Setup (production)

For a production setup see duse-io/setup.