duskmoon314 / typst-fontawesome

A Typst library for Font Awesome icons through the desktop fonts.
MIT License
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font-awesome typst


A Typst library for Font Awesome icons through the desktop fonts.

p.s. The library is based on the Font Awesome 6 desktop fonts (v6.5.2)


Install the fonts

You can download the fonts from the official website: https://fontawesome.com/download

Or you can use the helper script to download the fonts and metadata:

python helper.py -dd -v {version}

Here -dd means to download and extract the zip file. You can use -d to only download the zip file.

After downloading the zip file, you can install the fonts depending on your OS.

Typst web app

You can simply upload the otf files to the web app and use them with this package.


You can double click the otf files to install them.


You can right-click the otf files and select Install.

Import the library

Using the typst packages

You can install the library using the typst packages:

#import "@preview/fontawesome:0.2.0": *

Manually install

Copy all files start with lib to your project and import the library:

#import "lib.typ": *

There are three files:

I recommend renaming these files to avoid conflicts with other libraries.

Use the icons

You can use the fa-icon function to create an icon with its name:


Or you can use the fa- prefix to create an icon with its name:

#fa-chess-queen() (This is equivalent to #fa-icon().with("chess-queen"))

You can also set solid to true to use the solid version of the icon:

#fa-icon("chess-queen", solid: true)

If the icon only has a solid version, you can omit the solid parameter because the library automatically sets solid to true for these icons. For instance, the generated function for these icons would be like #fa-icon().with("arrow-trend-up", solid: true).

However, some icons (e.g. 0, 1, 2...) have a regular version that isn't mentioned in the metadata. In this case, you need to set solid to false to use the regular version.

Notice that fa-icon currently doesn't automatically set solid to true for icons that only have a solid version. Thus, you may not get the expected glyph if you don't set solid to true for these icons. I haven't decided whether to change this behavior yet.

Full list of icons

You can find all icons on the official website

Different sets

By default, the library uses two sets: Free and Brands. That is, three font files are used:

Due to some limitations of typst 0.11.0, the regular and solid versions are treated as different fonts. In this library, solid is used to switch between the regular and solid versions.

To use Pro or other sets, you can pass the font parameter to the inner text function: \ fa-icon("github", font: "Font Awesome 6 Pro Solid")

But you need to install the fonts first and take care of solid yourself.


The fa-icon function passes args to text, so you can customize the icon by passing parameters to it:

#fa-icon("chess-queen", fill: blue)


See the example.typ file for a complete example.


Feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you find any problems or have any suggestions.

Python helper

The helper.py script is used to download fonts and generate typst code. I aim only to use standard python libraries, so running it on any platform with python installed should be easy.

Repo structure


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Feel free to use it in your project.