dustxd / million-dollar-project

A web application that makes bullet journaling flexible and easy to use, allowing users to organize their tasks in a more effective way for easier retrieval and access. It aims to help users keep track of their habits, sort their daily activities, and plan for their future goals.
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A Million Dollar Project

(Two Sentence High Level Description) A web application that makes bullet journaling flexible and easy to use, allowing users to organize their tasks in a more effective way for easier retrieval and access. It aims to help users keep track of their habits, sort their daily activities, and plan for their future goals.

Project Description

The project aims to resolve some of the common issues faced by bullet journalists: time-consuming styling, difficult to look up for an item, inflexibility in adding, editing, or deleting pages, etc. Bullet journals are known for its systematic approach to help planning and prioritization. By digitizing bullet journals, we are striving for improvements in usability and flexibility. Most data will be in the form of text and date/time. The system would require users to register and sign in before using. Users can primarily filter, search, view, add, edit, and delete the entries. Additional functionalities may include pagination, uploading images, allowing users to publicize or share their bullet journals, etc.

Project Task Requirements

Minimal Requirements
Able to add, delete, and edit a message
Able to search/filter journal for keywords and dates
Able to create and login to account
Change status of task
Navigation bar (As index/table of content) and Drawer (As toolbar in edit mode)
Standard Requirements
Multiple views (e.g. yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily, etc)
Font customization
Able to customize bullet types
Keyboard shortcuts for formatting
Page flip animation (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-flip-page)
Stretch Requirements
Allow for images to be uploaded and inserted
Allow for user sharing and viewing
Application of layout templates
Offline edits

Task Breakdown

1. Able to add, edit, and delete a message

2. Drawer as toolbar


Login Page mockup_Page_1 mockup_Page_2 mockup_Page_3