duydl / logseq-calibre-annotation

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Logseq Calibre Plugins

Enhance your note-taking experience with Logseq by integrating it with Calibre, a robust e-book management software. These plugins utilize Calibre's Server API to provide a seamless e-book reading and note-taking experience within Logseq.

These two plugins can function independently. The calibreMetadata plugin only inserts the macros used by the calibreAnnotation plugin.

Without calibreMetadata, you can still manually create links to your books.

Without calibreAnnotation, you'll have a block with two non-functional renderer macros after creating page.



The calibreAnnotation plugin adds two button renderers for calibreViewer and calibreSync.

GIF Demo

GIF Demo

You can click on the button again to stop syncing. If needed, you can copy the content to a new block, and it will only sync the latest position as recorded by lastsync property of the block.

Future Enhancements
