dvas0004 / NerdNotes

A collection of notes: things I'd like to remember while reading technical articles, technical questions I couldn't answer, and so on.
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Kotlin: Top two null-safety tricks #118

Open dvas0004 opened 4 years ago

dvas0004 commented 4 years ago
fun main() {
    // the elvis operator
    val test = null    
    val test2 = test ?: "it was null"  

    // taking action only if variable is non-null
    // using ?.let
    val isNull = null
        println("Inside let with null - will not be printed")

    val isNotNull = 1
        println("Inside let with non-null value of '$it' - will be printed")



it was null
Inside let with non-null value of '1' - will be printed
dvas0004 commented 4 years ago
