A collection of notes: things I'd like to remember while reading technical articles, technical questions I couldn't answer, and so on.
Throughout my career, I've always found it extremely useful to keep notes. This lead to a blog, and an untold number of post-its with much smaller nuggets of information. Usually these post-its would be small one-liners, or small notes which I use as a prompt to recall a particular piece of information, or a link to a particularly good article.
The post-its multiplied and soon became unweildy. This in turn led to me not returning to read them... which lead to a "notebook upgrade". Definitely less unweildy, but not very portable, plus... difficult to share and let others collaborate (see the 'Submitting your own "Nerd Notes"' section below).
Hence the idea of a github repo containing these notes was born, but with a nice frontend around it to make it more appealing and give me more practice with frontend tech
The main drivers in my choice of (slightly unusual) architecture was two things:
In both aspects, github fit the bill perfectly in that it is free, allows you to serve content via a modern GraphQL API, and most importantly, has a social aspect in the form of "issues". So, the react frontend uses GraphQL to query this repo for any "issues". The issues in reality are the notes, with labels that help place them in categories, and reactions that allow other users to vote for useful notes. Right now, only "heart" reactions are supported.
Simply create a new "issue" in this repopsitory, and remember to: