dvcrn / proxmate.me

Source code for https://proxmate.me
9 stars 4 forks source link

The code has been moved. This version is no longer maintained.


Built Status

This is the sourcecode for the proxmate.me. proxmate.me has been designed to be completely static and can be served by any static webserver (such as s3).


Run grunt serve to spawn a static, self-reloading webserver.


We are using Grunt for building. Make sure you have all dependencies (bower + npm) installed, then run grunt build. To deploy to s3, make sure that grunt-aws.json contains your aws credentials, then run grunt deploy.


Since javascript is hard to index, proxmate.me is using a prerender script to generate static html pages that are being served. To prerender, make sure that your latest source is deployed somewhere (s3 for example), then execute grunt freeze. This will generate a static html for every html page listed inside api.proxmate.me.
