dverbovyi / angular-heremaps

AngularJS directive for working with Here Maps
MIT License
19 stars 14 forks source link
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Live demo https://dverbovyi.github.io/angular-heremaps/

AngularJS directive for working with Here Maps

0.1.9 latest release

see release notes

Install guide:

    npm install angular-heremaps
include angular-heremaps file
    <script src="https://github.com/dverbovyi/angular-heremaps/raw/master/node_modules/angular-heremaps/dist/angular-heremaps.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
add dependency in your angular application
    angular.module('exampleModule', ['heremaps'])
add config provider:

Before, you should register here and get your app id. Then pass it below

        .config(["HereMapsConfigProvider", function(HereMapsConfigProvider) {
                'app_id': 'your_app_id_here',
                'app_code': 'your_app_code_here',
                'useHTTPS': true

Simple directive initialization with default options.

        <div heremaps></div>

See details on wiki pages

Please report, any issue here

To Contribute

Fork and clone the project

    git clone https://github.com/{{username}}/angular-heremaps.git

and make pull request

Install dependencies

    cd angular-heremaps

    npm i

Start dev-server

    gulp serve

Build resources

    gulp build