dvillevald / hand_gesture_classifier

Make your own hand command classifier and deploy on Edge AI device - Google AIY Vision kit
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 4 forks source link

Hand Command Recognizer on Google Vision AIY kit


This project demonstrates how, by creating a training set of only 1,500 images from scratch, carefully selecting a search region and applying Transfer Learning technique, one can build and deploy on Edge AI device - Google Vision AIY kit – the model which reliably recognizes simple hand gestures. A fairly accurate model with a latency of 1-2 seconds runs on the Google Vision AIY kit and does not require any access to Internet or Cloud. It can be used to control your mobile robot, replace your TV remote control or for many other applications. The described approach of carefully selecting the search region, collecting a relatively small number of customized training images and re-training open-sourced Deep Learning models to create a model for a specific task (e.g. the model which controls access to the facilities by recognizing faces of the company's employees) can be applied to create numerous and diverse applications.


<img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/t6PqVN4q7Sw/0.jpg" alt="Hand gesture classifier with Google Vision AIY Kit" width="480" height="360" border="10" />


  1. Buy Google Vision AIY kit and assemble it following these instructions

  2. Power the assembled Google Vision AIY kit

  3. Start Dev terminal

  4. Stop and disable joy_detector_demo application which is set to start automatically after the booting

    sudo systemctl stop joy_detection_demo.service
    sudo systemctl disable joy_detection_demo.service
  5. Update OS

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
  6. Clone the github repository with hand gesture classifier and navigate to the project folder

    cd src/examples/vision 
    git clone https://github.com/dvillevald/hand_gesture_classifier.git
    cd hand_gesture_classifier
    chmod +x hand_gesture_classifier.py
  7. Start hand gesture classifier

    ./hand_gesture_classifier.py  \
    --model_path ~/AIY-projects-python/src/examples/vision/hand_gesture_classifier/hand_gesture_classifier.binaryproto \
    --label_path ~/AIY-projects-python/src/examples/vision/hand_gesture_classifier/hand_gesture_labels.txt  \
    --input_height 160   \
    --input_width 160    \
    --input_layer input  \
    --output_layer final_result

    Important: It seems that on some Google Vision AIY kits the logic of GPIO pins is inverse - pin.off() changes pin status to HIGH and pin.on() - to LOW. If you observe that your hand command classifier works but shows incorrect commands (e.g. displays right instead of left) then add the following line to the command above:

    --gpio_logic INVERSE


How hand gesture classifier works

Step 1. Face detection

LED on the Kit Top = #008000

Once you start the application, it launches face/joy detector pre-installed on the Google Vision AIY kit which tries to detect the human face and determine the size and location of the bounding box around it. During this step the LED on the top of the Google Vision box is GREEN.

Once the face is reliably detected on several dozens of frames, application uses the size and the location of the face bounding box to determine the size and location of the the chest area (called hand box hereinafter) where the hand gestures are expected to be displayed:

There are several advantages of this approach:

  1. The search space is greatly reduced to only include the chest area which significantly improves the latency of the detector.

  2. Displaying hand gestures in the chest area improves the quality of the hand detector as a user has a high degree of control of the image background (one's t-shirt) and because the number and diversity of possible backgrounds is greatly reduced (to the number of t-shorts and sweaters in user's wardrobe.) Because of that one does not need a large data set to build a model which makes a fairly accurate predictions so it takes less time to collect the training data and to train your model.

If face detection takes longer than 10-15 seconds:

Once you face is reliably detected the LED on the top of Google Vision box turns PURPLE, face detection stops and the hand gesture recognizer is loaded ready to be activated.

Step 2. Activating hand gesture recognizer

LED on the Kit Top = #800080

To make sure the application does not react to the noise, the hand command recognizer should be activated. To activate hand gesture recognizer, display one of these two hand commands in your chest area for 5-7 seconds.


Once LED of the top of Google Vision box turns RED, hand gesture recognizer is activated and is ready to accept your hand signals. If hand gesture recognizer fails to be activated after 30 seconds of waiting, the application goes to face detection mode again (Step 1 above.)

Step 3. Sending hand commands to your devices

LED on the Kit Top = #FF0000

Once hand recognizer is activated (LED is RED), you can start displaying your hand commands to control your external devices. It takes 1-2 seconds to detect a hand signal, so in order to avoid sending the wrong command, try to move your hands fast from one signal to another or, better yet, put your hands down in between the signals so no hand signal is detected.

The following hand gestures are available:






No hand command:

Once your hand command is detected, it will be printed in terminal.

Also, it will change the state of GPIO pins on the back of Google Vision AIY kit which you can use to control your external devices. The following table shows the mapping of your hand commands above to the states of GPIO pins A, B and C of the Google Vision AIY kit.

Mapping Hand Commands to Google Vision AIY Kit GPIO pins:

Hand Command Pin A Pin B Pin C
Deactivate / Activate hand gesture recognizer HIGH HIGH LOW
No hand command LOW LOW LOW

Step 4. Deactivating hand command recognizer

To close your hand command session, make sure you deactivate the recognizer so it would stop sending commands to your devices. To deactivate the device, display one of the following 2 hand gestures for 5-7 seconds.


Once deactivated, the LED on the top of Google Vision AIY kit will turn off and the application will go into the face detection mode (Step 1 above.)

Step 5. Shutting down Google Vision AIY kit

You can terminate the application and safely shut down your Google Vision AIY kit at any time by pushing the button on the top of the Google Vision AIY kit.

(OPTIONAL) Hand Command Display Box

You can build a simple device which, once connected to Google Vision AIY kit via GPIO pins, will display your hand commands. I built this display box

from the following components:

Arduino UNO is 5V device. However, GPIO pins of Google Vision AIY kit output 3.3V-based signals. Because of that you would need 3.3V-to-5V Logic Level Converter to step up signals from Raspberry Pi of Google Vision AIY kit.

Schematic diagram

Assembling the Display Box

Connecting Display Box to Google Vision AIY kit

Important: Make sure that the red wire (+5V) is connected to the rightmost GPIO pin and the black wire (GND) - to the leftmost GPIO pin of Google Vision AIY kit:

Once your Display Box is powered and connected to Google Vision AIY kit's GPIO pins, you can start hand gesture classifier following the steps described above.

Thank you!