dvl / pyclub

MIT License
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Python Club

Colaborative blog system

This project has the intention to replace the current system used on pythonclub.com.br a blog where everyone has access to post anything related with Python (and web development in general) just using your GitHub account.

All posts and editions must be approved by a staff member before appears online.


Via Docker

Developing via Docker will give you all infrastructure needed for project already configured and guarantees that everyone involved in the project will have the same environment.

You'll need to install Docker and docker-compose before proceed.

Create .env file from template

$ cp .env-example .env

Build the containers

$ docker-compose build

Install migrations:

$ docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate

And you also may need to create a superuser:

$ docker-compose run web python manage.py createsuperuser

To run use

$ docker-compose up

Then access http://localhost:8000/

To run any command inside of a container use

$ docker-compose run [container_name] [command]


$ docker-compose run web python manage.py shell

The hard way

Create .env file from template

$ cp .env-example .env

Create a database from proejct and adjust DATABASE_URL on .env file

$ vim .env

And run server

$ python manage.py runserver

Then access http://localhost:8000/