dwavesystems / dwave-cloud-client

A minimal implementation of the REST interface used to communicate with D-Wave Solver API (SAPI) servers.
Apache License 2.0
59 stars 40 forks source link

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.. index-start-marker

================== dwave-cloud-client

D-Wave Cloud Client is a minimal implementation of the REST interface used to communicate with D-Wave Sampler API (SAPI) servers.

SAPI is an application layer built to provide resource discovery, permissions, and scheduling for quantum annealing resources at D-Wave Systems. This package provides a minimal Python interface to that layer without compromising the quality of interactions and workflow.

The example below instantiates a D-Wave Cloud Client and solver based on the local system's auto-detected default configuration file and samples a random Ising problem tailored to fit the solver's graph.

.. code-block:: python

import random
from dwave.cloud import Client

# Connect using the default or environment connection information
with Client.from_config() as client:

    # Load the default solver
    solver = client.get_solver()

    # Build a random Ising model to exactly fit the graph the solver supports
    linear = {index: random.choice([-1, 1]) for index in solver.nodes}
    quad = {key: random.choice([-1, 1]) for key in solver.undirected_edges}

    # Send the problem for sampling, include solver-specific parameter 'num_reads'
    computation = solver.sample_ising(linear, quad, num_reads=100)

    # Print the first sample out of a hundred

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.. installation-start-marker

Requires Python 3.8+:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install dwave-cloud-client

To install from source (available on GitHub in dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client_ repo):

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

.. _dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client: https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client

.. installation-end-marker


Released under the Apache License 2.0. See <LICENSE>_ file.


Ocean's contributing guide <https://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/en/stable/contributing.html>_ has guidelines for contributing to Ocean packages.

Release Notes

D-Wave Cloud Client uses `reno <https://docs.openstack.org/reno/>`_ to manage
its release notes.

When making a contribution to D-Wave Cloud Client that will affect users, create
a new release note file by running

.. code-block:: bash

    reno new your-short-descriptor-here

You can then edit the file created under ``releasenotes/notes/``.
Remove any sections not relevant to your changes.
Commit the file along with your changes.

See reno's `user guide <https://docs.openstack.org/reno/latest/user/usage.html>`_
for details.