dwellir-public / polkadot-operator

The Polkadot Juju operator/charm
Apache License 2.0
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The Polkadot node operator provides an easy-to-use way of deploying a Polkadot node, using the Juju framework.

This repository is maintained by Dwellir, https://dwellir.com - Infrastructure provider for blockchain and web3.


Polkadot is a web3 blockchain ecosystem. This charm can be deployed as a validator, collator, bootnode, or RPC on any Polkadot derived blockchain, also known as parachains. The deployment config differs depending on the chain that is being deployed.

The charm starts the Polkadot client as a service, which takes its arguments from /etc/default/polkadot which in turn are set by the Juju config service-args. The Polkadot client itself is downloaded and installed from the config binary-url.


Though this charm is published on Charmhub there is also the alternative to build it locally, and to deploy it from that local build. It is built with the package charmcraft. See charmcraft.yaml for build details.

sudo snap install charmcraft --classic
charmcraft pack  # Assumes pwd is the polkadot-operator root directory

System requirements

Disclaimer: the system requriements to run a node in the Polkadot ecosystem varies, both depending on which chain is being run and which type of node it is. The example below should therefore be vetted against updated and reliable resources depending on your deployment specifications.

This list of reference hardware is from the official Polkadot docs and is an example of good practice for a validator node:


Deploying Polkadot

With Juju's OLM bootstrapping your cloud of choice, and a Juju model created within that cloud to host the operator, the charm can be deployed as:

juju deploy polkadot

However, there are some configs which are required by the charm to correctly install and start running the Polkadot client:

With those configs included, a standard deployment of the Polkadot node could look like:

juju deploy polkadot --config binary-url=https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/releases/download/v0.9.43/polkadot --config service-args="--chain=polkadot --rpc-port=9933"

There are many more arguments available for the client, regardless of if it is the Polkadot relaychain client or a parachain client, which may or may not be relevant for your specific deployment. Read about them in detail in their respective source code, e.g. here for the Polkadot node client, or by accessing the help menu from the client itself with either of these methods:

# With local copy of the client available
./polkadot --help

# For an already deployed charm
juju run polkadot/0 get-node-help --format json | jq -r '.["polkadot/0"].results["help-output"]'

Deploying other node types

There are a number of different node types in the Polkadot ecosystem, all which use the same client software to run. That means that by changing the client's service arguments in the deployment of this charm, one can easily change which node type to deploy. Read more about the specific node types on the Polkadot docs pages; validator, collator, bootnode, RPC.

Deploying a validator

juju deploy polkadot --config binary-url=... --config service-args="--validator --chain=... --rpc-port=..."

Once a validator has been deployed, use the Juju action get-session-key to generate and return a new session key, which then can be used as a paramater in the extrinsic call on polkadot.js.

Deploying a collator

juju deploy polkadot --config binary-url=... --config service-args="--collator --chain=... --rpc-port=..."

Running a collator also requries setting a node key, which can be done by running the Juju action set-node-key. The node key itself can be generated using the subkey tool.

Deploying a bootnode

juju deploy polkadot --config binary-url=... --config service-args="--chain=... --rpc-port=... --listen-addr=/ip4/<port> --listen-addr=/ip4/<port>/ws"

Running a bootnode also requries setting a node key, which can be done by running the Juju action set-node-key. The node key itself can be generated using the subkey tool.

Deploying an RPC node

juju deploy polkadot --config binary-url=... --config service-args="--chain=... --name=MyRPC --rpc-port=... --rpc-methods=Safe"

Deploying other Polkadot ecosystem chains

As mentioned at the top of the readme, Polkadot is a web3 blockchain ecosystem, sometimes referred to as the "DotSama ecosystem", which includes a number of Polkadot derived parachains. Due to them being derived from the original relaychain code, and kept up to date, this charm can easily run them as well. But since they run completely separate networks, they do need other chain specifications. For some of the chains, the specifications are included in the binary but for some of them, specifications need to be supplied using a JSON file. In service_args.py, we define chain name aliases for some of these chains. E.g. if one uses --chain=peregrine in the service-args config, what actually happens is that both the binary and the JSON specification file are extracted from the peregrine Docker image. Then the name peregrine is replaced with the path to the JSON in the argument given to the blockchain client binary, so that is what's run when the charm starts the client.

For more information regarding parachains and node operations, please visit the Polkadot wiki.

Juju relations/integrations

A powerful feature of the Juju framework is the ability to relate (integrate in Juju 3.x) charms to each other. By relating two charms, they exchange data based on the interface used. There are a number of existing interfaces for well-known applications and several are being employed in this charm.

Prometheus relation

One of the interfaces used in this charm is to connect with Prometheus, which also happens to exist as a charm. Relating this node with a Prometheus deployment will with a single action let the Prometheus instance start scraping the data generated by the node, given that Prometheus is enabled for the node client (--prometheus-external).

Here is an example where the Polkadot and Prometheus charms are deployed in a Juju model residing in an AWS cloud, and then related to each other:

juju deploy polkadot <node configurations> --constraints "instance-type=t3.medium root-disk=400G"
juju deploy prometheus2 prometheus --constraints
juju relate polkadot:polkadot-prometheus prometheus:manual-jobs  # Polkadot node data
juju relate polkadot:node-prometheus prometheus:manual-jobs      # Container system data

Add Grafana

If you want to use a Grafana instance deployed with Juju in your monitoring stack:

juju deploy grafana
juju relate prometheus:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source
juju run-action --wait grafana/0 get-admin-password  # Juju 2.x
juju run grafana/0 get-admin-password                # Juju 3.x

The COS stack

An alternative to deploying a Prometheus instance which each node is to use what is known as the Canonical Observability Stack. By levering the topology model of Juju and charm relations to automate integration, it provides an observability suite based on best-in-class, open-source observability tools.

The cos_agent interface is already supported by this Polkadot operator charm so if you've deployed an instance of the COS, integrate it with your node like this:

juju deploy grafana-agent --channel edge          # In the same model as the Polkadot node
juju relate grafana-agent <COS interfaces>
juju relate polkadot:grafana-agent grafana-agent  # grafana-agent is also the name for the interface in this charm

Find more details on how to deploy and use COS here.

Using an external relaychain node

A parachain node can use an external relaychain node instead of the internal one. It's useful for scaling where multiple parachain nodes can share a relaychain node. It's also useful to get faster in sync since the parachain node does not have to sync a relaychain node by itself. This can be set with the service argument --relay-chain-rpc-urls, which takes one or more weboscket URLs to relaychain nodes to use. Setting multiple URLs is for fallback where the parachain node will try accessing the URLs in a round-robin fashion. Instead of setting this manually, the interface rpc-url can be used:

juju relate polkadot-relay:rpc-url polkadot-para:relay-rpc-url     # Juju 2.x
juju integrate polkadot-relay:rpc-url polkadot-para:relay-rpc-url  # Juju 3.x

Relating to multiple relaychain nodes, to have fallbacks, is supported by the interface. It's also possible to both use the rpc-url interface and set URLs manually in the service arguments at the same time. In the charm, the URLs from using the interface are added to the beginning of the service arguments, in the same order as they are related. Adding URLs manually should thus be considered as a fallback since as it has been mentioned, the Polkadot client selects relay chain URL in a round-robin fashion. One can for example use an external providers relaychain node as a fallback in this way, a case where it is not possible to use Juju primitives.
