PowerShell library of dice rolling functionaility.
Allows for a 50/50 decision. Allows for return of three file types:
Option | Type | Result Set |
Coin | string | 'Heads', 'Tails' |
Binary | int32 | 0, 1 |
Boolean | bool | True, False |
Rolls a number of same dice based on provided number of dice and number of sides. Returns an object with various statistics and information about the request:
DiceRolls : {5, 6, 5}
Count : 3
Average : 5.33333333333333
Sum : 16
Maximum : 6
Minimum : 5
StandardDeviation : 0.577350269189626
Request : Get-BoDDiceRolls -Dice 3 -Sides 6
StandardNotation : 3d6
Rolls a single die of the provided number of sides.
Returns a -1, 0, or 1
Returns a number between 1 and 100, or 0 and 99, based on preference (-Zero
switch for the latter). Roll is based on two d10 combined into a string, then converted to an integer.