dwins / mapnik2geotools

Using the Scala XML API to translate from Mapnik XML to GeoTools' SLD dialect
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what's this?

A small scala project with the goal of transforming Mapnik <http://mapnik.org/> map definitions to something GeoTools <http://geotools.org/> and GeoServer <http://geoserver.org/>_ can deal with.


  1. Install SBT. See the instructions at http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/tutorial/Setup.html

  2. sbt update to fetch dependencies

  3. sbt compile to build everything

  4. sbt run to run the gui, or sbt run-main me.winslow.d.mn2gt.Driver mapnikmap.xml for batch mode conversion (see options below)

options (overview)

sbt "run-main me.winslow.d.mn2gt.Driver [options] {mapnik xml file}"