dwkim78 / ASTRiDE

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ASTRiDE (Automated Streak Detection for Astronomical Images)

ASTRiDE aims to detect streaks in astronomical images using a "border" of each object (i.e. "boundary-tracing" or "contour-tracing") and their morphological parameters. Any kinds of fast moving objects such as meteors, satellites, near-Earth objects (NEOs), or even cosmic rays could leave streak-like traces in the images.

ASTRiDE uses an algorithm for quantifying the shape of each border to determine whether or not the border is a streak. ASTRiDE can detect not only long streaks but also relatively short or curved streaks.


  1. Dependency
  2. Installation
  3. Test the Library
  4. How to Use ASTRiDE
  5. Test with Crowded Field Image
  6. Application

1. Dependency

Python 2.7+ and 3.5+

Numpy 1.14+

Scipy 1.0.0+

Scikit-image 0.13.1+

Astropy 3.0+

Matplotlib 2.1.1+

Phoutils 0.4+

These libraries will be automatically installed if your machine does not have them installed. If you encounter errors during the installation of these dependencies, try to install them individually. Your machine may not have other required libraries by these dependencies.

2. Installation

The easiest way to install the ASTRiDE package is:

pip install git+https://github.com/dwkim78/ASTRiDE

If you do not want to install/upgrade the dependencies, execute the above commend with the --no-deps option. ASTRiDE possibly works with older version of Python and other libraries.

Alternatively, you can download the ASTRiDE package from the Git repository as:

git clone https://github.com/dwkim78/ASTRiDE

python setup.py install

You can edit setup.py, if you do not want to update your own Python libraries (i.e. edit the install_requires variable).

2.1 Installation on Raspberry Pi 4

Please see the https://github.com/thomasjacquin/allsky/issues/84#issuecomment-519699127

In short, 1) install pip, 2) install required packages, 3) install ASTRiDE, and 4) test ASTRiDE. It is tested on Raspberry Pi 4.

3. Test

To check if ASTRiDE is correctly installed, type following commands in your Python console.

from astride import test


The command will print messages like:

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm INFO - Start.
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm INFO - Read a fits file..
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm INFO - Search streaks..
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm INFO - Save figures and write outputs to ./long/
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm INFO - Done.

The test module will save figures and information of detected streaks under the "./long/" folder. In the folder, you can find two images and one text file. The two images are:

Image name Description
all.png The full image with detected streaks (shown below)
1.png A zoomed image for each linked streak
[ all.png ]

The output text file named as "streaks.txt" contains following information.

Column Description
ID Index
x_center, y_center Coordinate of the center
RA, Dec RA and Dec coordinates if a FITS file provides WCS header
area Area inside a streak
perimeter Perimeter of a streak
shape_factor 4 PI area / perimeter^2
radius_deviation Parameter to check roundness
slope Slope of a linear line fitted to a streak
intercept Intercept of a linear line fitted to a streak
connectivity ID of another streak that is likely to be linked to the current streak

Most of these information are accessible using the ASTRiDE Streak instance as well. For details, see this section.

4. How to Use ASTRiDE?

Pseudo Code

The following pseudo-code shows how to use ASTRiDE.

# Import the ASTRiDE library.
from astride import Streak

# Read a fits image and create a Streak instance.
streak = Streak('YOUR_FITS_FILENAME.fits')

# Detect streaks.

# Write outputs and plot figures.

Detailed explanation for these commands are given in the following sections.

Create Streak Instance

We first need to import the ASTRiDE library and create a Streak instance as:

from astride import Streak

streak = Streak('long.fits')

You can replace "long.fits" with your own fits filename. There are many options customizing the Streak instance such as:

Options Description
remove_bkg Choose a method to remove background of a fits image. Either 'constant' or 'map'. 'constant' calculates background statistics using the astropy sigma-clipped routine. 'map' derives a background map. 'map' is slow but relatively more accurate if the background is varying across the image field. Default is 'constant'.
bkg_box_size Box size for calculating a background map of a fits image. Default is 50. Only used when remove_bkg = 'map'.
contour_threshold Threshold to extract a contour map. If this value is high, only bright streaks will be detected. Default is 3. Higher values, faster ASTRiDE runtime.
min_points The minimum number of data points (i.e. pixels) of each border. Default is 10 (i.e. roughly saying, a length of ~5 pixels if the border is a streak-like object). Higher values, faster ASTRiDE runtime.
shape_cut Empirical cut for shape factor. Default is 0.2.
area_cut Empirical cut for area inside each border. Default is 10.
radius_dev_cut Empirical cut for radius deviation. Default is 0.5.
connectivity_angle The maximum angle of slope to link each streak. Default is 3 degree.
output_path Output path to save figures and outputs. Default is "None", which will create a folder of the input filename.

Although you can customize pretty much everything of the Streak instance, it is recommended to leave them as they are until you understand each option. Some important options among these are explained through the following sections.

Detect Streaks

Now we can detect streaks in the fits image as:


That's it! The above one-line command will do everything needed to detect streaks, which is:

Morphology Description
Shape Factor Circularity. The circularity of a circle is 1, and streak-like shape has much smaller circularity than 1. The default threshold is 0.2 (i.e. option "shape_cut")
Radius Deviation An approximated deviation from roundness. Since the center of each border can be calculated, ASTRiDE calculates distances to each data point from the center. A radius is defined as the median value of the distances. ASTRiDE then calculates "roundness_deviation" as std(distances - radius) / radius. "std()" is the standard deviation. For a circle, the value is 0. The default threshold is 0.5 (i.e. option "radius_dev_cut").
Area The area inside a border must be larger than 10 pixels (i.e. option "area_cut").

The following figure shows the remaining two streak after these cut.

[ Two streaks after the morphology cut. The numbers are their IDs. ]

Note that all the information derived during the above procedures are accessible using the Streak instance (See this section).

Plot Figures and Write Outputs

ASTRiDE provides functions to write outputs and plot figures as:



streak.write_outputs() will write an output text file, "streaks.txt", which is explained in the section "Test".

streak.plot_figures() will generate figures including "all.png" (shown in this section), and an individual figure for each linked streak. A filename of each individual file is the first index among the indices of the linked streaks such as "1.png" (shown below)

Accessible Information Inside the Streak Instance

The Streak instance - after calling "detect()" function - contains many information such as:

Variable Description
streak.raw_image Raw image before background removal
streak.background_map Background map
streak.image Background removed image
streak.raw_borders All borders detected using a contour map
streak.streaks The final list of streaks after excluding star-like sources and also after the linking (i.e. see Section Detect Streaks)

Among these, streak.streaks contains a list of detected streaks. Each element has all the information that "streaks.txt" has (see this section). It also contains additional information such as:

Variable Description
x X coordinates of a streak
y Y coordinates of a streak
x_min and x_max The minimum and maximum x coordinates of a streak
y_min and y_max The minimum and maximum y coordinates of a streak

Using the above information, you can plot your own figures.

5. Test with Crowded Field Image

The example shown above used a less-crowded field image. If there are many stars in the field (i.e. crowded field), it is possible that some stars' borders are attached to each other, which makes their borders long so that eventually look like a streak. In order to check how ASTRiDE works for such crowded field images, ASTRiDE is applied to a relatively crowded-field fits image. The following output images show the results.

[ Streak detection test using the crowded field image ]

These three images shown above are automatically generated by ASTRiDE. As you can see, ASTRiDE successfully excluded all the stars and detected two very short streaks (i.e. two bottom panels) that are quite hard to be detected even by eyes.

6. Application to Astronomical Images

The following images show the application of ASTRiDE.

ESO DSS2 image The Horsehead Nebular

[ Three streaks are detected. ]

[ No streak is detected. ]

In the case of the ESO DSS2 image (left panel), ASTRiDE detected three streaks. However, only one streak (i.e. ID=2, bottom center panel) looks like a real streak. The following table shows some parameters derived by ASTRiDE.

ID Area Perimeter Shape Factor Radius Deviation
1 75.1 74.4 0.17 0.57
2 640.3 360.9 0.06 0.60
3 21.6 38.8 0.18 0.52

As we can clearly see, the streak with ID=2 is longer than two others, and also has a smaller shape factor than others. All these variables are accessible using the Streak instance, so you can define your own criteria according to the shapes of streaks that you want to detect. For instance, if you are interested in relatively long streaks, you can use the values of "Perimeter".

You can also set threshold cut for some of these parameters when creating the Streak instance. For details, see this section. For example, if you change the value of "shape_cut" to 0.3, ASTRiDE will also detect relatively thicker streaks. However, at the same time, it is also possible that ASTRiDE would return star-like objects.

In the case of the Horsehead Nebular image (right panel), it seems natural that ASTRiDE does not detect any streaks in the image.

The following example using the image of M35 (NGC 2168) gives an idea how to use the parameters mentioned above.

Default Setting Parameter Modified

In the image, you can see the diffraction spike of the brightest stars, which is a sort of streaks. Left panel shows the result using the default ASTRiDE parameter setting, and it did not detect any streak. In the right panel, the two parameters were tuned (i.e. shape_cut = 0.3 and radius_dev_cut = 0.4), and ASTRiDE detected the spike. As you can clearly see, the spike shares its border with other stars, and it does not actually look like a streak anymore. That is the reason why it was not detected with the default setting. Nevertheless, as this example shows, you can decide your own criteria based on your needs.

7. Application to the Astronomical Gravitational Lensing Image

Although ASTRiDE is not degisned to detect curves caused by gravitational lensing (e.g. see the following image), ASTRiDE can detects such curves as well.

[ Gravitational Lensing near SDSSCGB8842.3 and SDSSCGB8842.4 ]

As the figure shows, ASTRiDE detected four curved streaks around the galaxies. In this example, we tuned five parameters of ASTRiDE as follows:

Parameter Value
contour_threshold 5.0
radius_dev_cut 0.4
area_cut 100

System Requirement

Any decent or even relatively old machines can run ASTRiDE as long as the machines are capable of running general Python libraries. Runtime for streak detection (i.e. wall-clock time) varies according to the size of fit images and the crowdedness of the images. In the cases of the examples shown in the previous sections, it took from 0.6 seconds to 25 seconds using Macbook Pro 13'' equipped with 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB memory, and 256 GB SSD. If you want to decrease ASTRiDE runtime, increase the values of contour_threshold and min_points when creating the Streak instance. For details, see this section. Changing those values, however, could result in non-detection of short or faint streaks.


As you might notice, ASTRiDE does not use any source detection algorithm (e.g. Source Extractor) to distinguish stars from streaks. This is because such algorithms often find star-like-sources inside a streak. For instance, see the following figure.

[ Red circles are the sources detected by a source detection algorithm (i.e. DAOFIND-like algorithm) ]

Thus such source detection algorithms are not suitable to distinguish streaks from stars. One might think using the detected sources to construct streaks by somehow connecting them. Such methods, however, might not be very efficient either for 1) short streaks, or 2) crowded field.


If you want to write log messages either to console or to disk, you can use the ASTRiDE Logger class as:

from astride import Logger

logger = Logger().getLogger()

logger.debug('debug message')
logger.info('info message')
logger.warn('warn message')
logger.error('error message')
logger.critical('critical message')

Keep in mind that you need to generate only one logger instance through the whole processes, but not many. If you want to save log messages to a file, generate a logger instance as follows:

 logger = Logger('/PATH/TO/FILE.log').getLogger()

This will send log messages to both console and a log file. Note that the path must be the absolute path.


















If you use this package for science publication, a citation to the ASCL entry would be appreciated, which is as follows:

       author = {{Kim}, Dae-Won},
        title = "{ASTRiDE: Automated Streak Detection for Astronomical Images}",
     keywords = {Software},
         year = 2016,
        month = may,
          eid = {ascl:1605.009},
        pages = {ascl:1605.009},
archivePrefix = {ascl},
       eprint = {1605.009},
       adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016ascl.soft05009K},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}


Dae-Won Kim, email: dwkim78 at gmail.com

Webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/dwkim78/


astronomy - fits image - streak - satellite - meteor - NEO - fast-moving objects - boundary-tracing - contour-tracing - morphology