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Add Template for Book Summary/Notes/Reviews #15

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

We need a template for our book review/notes. @iteles do you already have one for your https://github.com/iteles/Book-notes ?

I propose having a clear "Metadata" section at the top of any markdown file that relates to a published book e.g:

# Metadata

| Key | Value |
| Title | Title as it appears on the book |
| Subtitle | If book does not have a Subtitle delete this row in the table! |
| Author(s) | List of authors as they appear on the book |
| Published | Year/Month/Day the book was published |
| Publisher | Name of Publisher |
| ISBN | the ISBN (serial) number |
| Categories | categories the book is classified in (if in doubt check amazon) |

which renders to:


Key Value
Title Title as it appears on the book
Subtitle If book does not have a Subtitle delete this row in the table!
Author(s) List of authors as they appear on the book
Published Year/Month/Day the book was published
Publisher Name of Publisher
ISBN the ISBN (serial) number
Categories categories the book is classified in (if in doubt check amazon)

Provided we keep the keys consistent they will be machine readable and thus indexable/searchable.

iteles commented 7 years ago

I would also suggest that a 'Contents Guide' (essentially a table of contents, but I hate that phrase) would be ideal to allow people to get an overview, digest them in chunks (and to use as reference).

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@iteles good idea. 💡 👍