dwyl / alc

:green_book: Our ever-expanding reading list we recommend to people!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ALC > Awesome Learning Community1

Awesome Learning Community (ALC) helps everyone track and share everything they learn!

Why? start with why

@dwyl we love learning! (which is why we share all the things we learn: https://github.com/docdis )
Most of the people we know also love learning new things! (we don't hang out with people who already know everything...)
We are frustrated that we don't have a way of tracking all the things we have learned and don't have instant access to an "archive" of all our knowledge...
Sure, we can "Google" for things to refresh our memory when we forget something. But what happens when you don't have Google...?! (shock-horror! you could be offline...!)

Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a complete list of everything you ever learned from day one of your life...? What if all the things you know were instantly searchable (with auto-completion & typo-correction) and easily shareable with anyone (or kept private from marketers trying to sell you stuff!) and you had a "to-learn" list with everything you want to learn for a specific goal in life...?


Potential Features contributions welcome

We know there will be many awesome features others will want. Here's a quick list of some of the things we think might be useful:


If you have an idea for a feature, or want to help us prioritize which bit of functionality we build first/next, please see: https://github.com/dwyl/alc/issues

1 ALC is a working title. I'm sure someone will come up with a better name for this!